Carolyn Dawn Johnson chords & sheets

There are total 15 results.
[INTRO] [G] [D] [Em] [C] (x2) [VERSE 1] Som[C]etimes I catch myself Sta[Cmaj7]ring off into the dis[G]tance Dre[C]aming 'bout you dressing [Cmaj7]me Head to toe with your[G] kisses [Em]I smi[D]le as the m[C]emory sinks in Thinking [Em]I'd li[D]ke to f[C]eel that again [CHORUS] We h[G]ad it...
[VERSE 1] I don't wanna be b[C]itter[G] I dont wanna be the g[C]irl with the upside down s[D]mile It's cold enough in the w[C]inter[G] walking through this p[C]ain feels l[G]ike a tho[A]usand l[G]ong m[D]iles I'm stuck in the m[Em7]iddle of just a[Am7]round the bend but [C]I keeping breaking down...
Capo 4 Standard Tuning <Verse 1> [D] I keep having these disturbing dreams: [G] My final days, the end of me. For some[Asus4] odd reason, I get one last wish, And every[D] time, I wish for t[Asus4]his: <Chorus> Take me fast or take me slow[D] . I don't really care how I go. [G]...
Capo 4th fret [C] [F] [G] [F]He was the walking picture, intoxicating mixture [C]Of everything I dreamed love could be [F]He held my fascination, I had no hesitation [C]He brought unknown emotions out of me [Am]Oh, I can be so[F] gullible [Am]Always believing[G] the impossible [C]It was...
[INTRO] [D] [G] [A] [D] [VERSE 1] [D]We hardly sleep [G]We Barely speak [A]'Cause we don't know what to s[D]ay [D]If only things were [G]just a little bit worse [A]one of us would walk aw[D]ay [G] [A] [CHORUS 1] So, S[D]ay you don't love me Say you never did an[G]ything to get me off of...
[A]I've fallen, [D]yeah I've fallen be[A]fore I thought I [D]knew exactly what was in [A]store [A]When I met him, g[D]ot more than I barga[E]ined for [E]I'm not overstating, over exaggerating [E]Horsing around or playing [E]When I'm saying I've... [CHORUS] [A]Gone off the deepest en[D]d [G]...
[INTRO] [Bm] [A]Every woman wants, every woman needs what everybody thinks is [G]impossible[D] , u[G]nachievable[D] [A]A man who's strong, admits he's wrong, laughs along and is up for a[G]nything[D] and [G]everything[D] [F]Alot of heart and not afraid to try a little tenderness Ohhhhh ohhh...
[INTRO] [E] [A] [E] [A] [VERSE] [E]Monday mornin' is such a rush, [E]Here it is again sneakin' up on u[A]s,Uh-huh yeah, [E]This is the part you know I don't like, [E]We say good-bye and then we kiss good-ni[A]ght,Uh-huh yeah, [D]I know it's one o'[A] clock,And we said you'd be[A] gone by ten D...
[INTRO] [C] [G] [D] [Em] [C] [G] [D] [VERSE 1] (Line 1) Used to g[C]et up at [G]7 Make bre[C]akfast for the ch[G]ildren Get them o[C]ut to the b[G]us by [D]8 (Line 2) Sit do[C]wn with a co[G]ffee Throw the h[C]air in a p[G]ony Make sure the ki[C]tchen was c[G]lean And the bed was m[D]ade...
[INTRO] [D] [C] [D] [C] [D]You always had a way with words [C] So y[D]ou can just imagine when I heard You say she would [G]be your wife Yeah it cut me l[D]ike a knife [C] [D]It wasn't very long ago [C] [D]I was the one that you would hold All th[G]rough the night Yeah so this just d[D]oesn't...
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