Bind Us Together chords
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[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
There is [G]only one [D]God,
There is [A7]only one K[D]ing
There is [G]only one b[D]ody,
[E7]That is [A7]why we s[D]ing
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
Fit for the g[G]lory of G[D]od
purchased by h[A7]is precious Bl[D]ood,
born with the r[G]ight to be fr[D]ee:
[E7]Jesus the vi[A7]ctory has w[D]on.
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
We are the fa[G]mily of [D]God,
we are his p[A7]romise di[D]vine,
we are hi[G]s chosen d[D]esire,
[E7]we are the glor[A7]ious new wi[D]ne.
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
There is [G]only one [D]God,
There is [A7]only one K[D]ing
There is [G]only one b[D]ody,
[E7]That is [A7]why we s[D]ing
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
Fit for the g[G]lory of G[D]od
purchased by h[A7]is precious Bl[D]ood,
born with the r[G]ight to be fr[D]ee:
[E7]Jesus the vi[A7]ctory has w[D]on.
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
We are the fa[G]mily of [D]God,
we are his p[A7]romise di[D]vine,
we are hi[G]s chosen d[D]esire,
[E7]we are the glor[A7]ious new wi[D]ne.
[D]Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
With c[A7]ords that cannot be b[D]roken
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
[A7]Bind us together in l[D]ove.
Used chords