Ben Parcell chords and sheet music

There are total 2 results.
[G] 355433 [D] 557755 [C] 335533 [F] 133211 [G#] 466544 [C#] 446644 [F#] 244322 [INTRO] [G] , [D] , [C] [G]Yesterday I [C]sang a song, the [F]lonely road I [C]walked along. [G]I used to think I'd [C]be someone if [F]I could make it [C]happen. [G]Looking down this [C]dead end road, a[F]lone I...
[INTRO] [Am] , [F] , [Am] , [A#] , [G] [C]I saw you [F]out the other [G]night, you looked [E]different to [Am]me. Was I [E]wrong or was I [F]right, for thinking [G]how things could have been? Signature riff: [C] , [Csus4] , [Am] , [G] x3 [C] , [F] , [G] , [C] [C]If I could [F]learn from my...
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