You Dont Send Me chords

Trans. 0
Intro: [A] , [E] , [D]

[E]Since you went [D]away, everything is looking g[E]reat
I'm a little [D]bored
[E]When I see you [D]out, maybe walking in the [E]street
You always cross the [D]road

[A]Listen honey, there is nothing you can say to sur[E]prise me
Listen honey, there is nothing you ca[E]n say to of[D]fend me anymore
You don't [E]send me any[D]more

[E]Our little [D]scene is getting smaller by the [E]day
It's a human [D]zoo
[E]But they key is [D]change, getting over all your [E]problems
You're not a [D]fool

[A]Listen honey, there is nothing you can say to s[E]urprise me
Listen honey, there is nothing you ca[E]n do to offe[D]nd me
You don't s[E]end me [D]

[E]Every sound is [D]tame, every group the bleedin' [E]same
It would make you [D]mad
[E]What happened to the [D]sounds that left you lying on the f[E]loor
Laughing, crying, jumping, and singing

[A]Listen honey, there is nothing you can say to a[E]stound me
[A]Listen honey, there is nothing you can do to o[E]ffend me any[D]more
You don't s[E]end me anymo[D]re
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