White Man In Hammersmith Palais chords

Transpose 0
Artist: The Clash
[A] [E] [G] [A] [G] [A]

[A]Midn[E]ight to [C#m]six m[D]an
For the fi[A]rst ti[E]me from Ja[C#m]maica [D]
[A]Dilling[E]er and[F#m] Leroy Sm[D]art
[A]Delroy Wilson,[E] cool oper[A]ator

[A]Ken Bo[E]othe, [C#m]UK pop regg[D]ae
With b[A]acking ba[E]nds sound sy[C#m]stems [D]
[A]If th[E]ey've got a[F#m]nything to s[D]ay
There's m[A]any black e[E]ars here to l[A]isten

But it was F[A]our Tops all night
With e[E]ncores from stage right
[G]Charging from the bass knives to the tr[A]eble
But o[G]nstage they ain't got no roots rock re[A]bel
[G]Onstage they ain't got no roots rock re[A]bel

[A](Dre[E]ss b[A]ack j[E]ump b[A]ack t[E]his i[A]s a b[E]lue-beat attack)

[A]'Cause it wo[E]n't [C#m]get you anywh[D]ere
[A]Fool[E]ing with your [C#m]guns [D]
The Br[A]itish A[E]rmy is wa[F#m]iting out th[D]ere
And it we[A]ighs fi[E]fteen hundred t[A]ons

[A]White yo[E]uth,[C#m] black yo[D]uth
[A]Better fi[E]nd another so[C#m]lution [D]
[A]Why not ph[E]one up[F#m] Robin H[D]ood
And a[A]sk him for some[E] wealth distr[A]ibution

[A] [E] [A] [D] [A] [E] [A] [D] [A] .. [D] [A] [E] [A]

[A]Punk r[E]ocker[C#m]s in the U[D]K
[A]They won't n[E]otice an[C#m]yway [D]
They're a[A]ll too b[E]usy [F#m]fighti[D]ng
For a g[A]ood place[E] under the l[A]ighting

The n[A]ew gro[E]ups[C#m] are not conc[D]erned
With w[A]hat there [E]is to be l[C#m]earned [D]
They got B[A]urton su[E]its, [F#m]ha you think it's f[D]unny
[A]Turning reb[E]ellion into m[A]oney

[A]All o[E]ver p[C#m]eople changing their vo[D]tes
[A]Along wi[E]th their overc[C#m]oats [D]
If A[A]dolf Hi[E]tler [F#m]flew in tod[D]ay
They'd s[A]end a limous[E]ine any[A]way

I'm the a[A]ll ni[E]ght d[C#m]rug-prowling w[D]olf
Who lo[A]oks so s[E]ick in the [C#m]sun [D]
I'm the wh[A]ite m[E]an [F#m]in the Pal[D]ais
[A]Just[E] looking for f[A]un
I'm o[A]nly lo[E]oking for f[A]un
Oh please th[A]is time[E] just give me a n[A]od
Well I'm o[A]nly[E] looking for f[A]un
[A]Looking looking looking[E] for f[A]un,
[A]F. [E]U. [A]N.

[A] [E] [A]
Used chords