Washington Bullets chords

Transpose 0
Artist: The Clash
[E]Oh! Mama, Mama look there!
Your ch[E]ildren are playing in that street again
D[E]on't you know what happened down there?
A y[E]outh of fourteen got shot down there
The K[E]okane guns of Jamdown Town
The k[E]illing clowns, the blood money men
Are sh[B]ooting th[A]ose[B] Washington b[E]ullets again

As e[E]very cell in Chile will tell
The cr[E]ies of the tortured men
Rem[E]ember Allende, and the days before,
Bef[E]ore the army came
Pl[E]ease remember Victor Jara,
[E]In the Santiago Stadium,
[B]Es verd[A]ad,[B] those Washington B[E]ullets again

And in the B[E]ay of Pigs in 1961,
Hav[E]ana fought the playboy in the Cuban sun,
For C[E]astro is a color,
Is a r[E]edder than red,
Those W[E]ashington bullets want Castro dead
For C[B]astro is the c[A]olor...[B]
...That will earn you a sp[E]ray of lead


[E]For the very first time ever,
When they h[E]ad a revolution in Nicaragua,
There w[E]as no interference from America
H[E]uman rights in America
The p[E]eople fought the leader,
And u[E]p he flew...
With no W[E]ashington bullets what else could he do?

And if you c[E]an find a Afghan rebel
That the M[E]oscow bullets missed
Ask him what he th[E]inks of voting Communist...
...[E]Ask the Dalai Lama in the hills of Tibet,
H[E]ow many monks did the Chinese get?
In a w[E]ar-torn swamp stop any mercenary,
And ch[E]eck the British bullets in his armory
[B]Sandin[A]ist[B]a![E] Qué?

Used chords