Voices That Care chords
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L[E]onelyx fear lights up the s[B]kyx
Can't help but wonder[C#m] why,x you're so far aw[A]ayx
Th[E]erex you had to take a st[B]andx
In someone else's l[C#m]and.x Life can be so str[A]angex
I[G#m] wishx we never had to ch[A]oose,x
To either win or[C#m] lose,x that we could find a w [B] ayx
But[G#m] xxxxx I won't turn my back ag[A]ain,x
Your honor I'll d[C#m]efend,x so hurry home and till th[A]enx
Till t[B]henx --
[E]Standx t[B]all,x stand p[C#m]roudx
Voices that c[A]arex are c[C#m]ryingx out l[B]oudx
And w[E]henx you cl[A]osex your e[C#m]yesxx tonight,
Feel in your h[A]eartx how our lo[B]vex burns br[E]ightx
([A] xxx [C#m] xxxxx [B] )xx
[E] I'mx not here to justify the ca[B]usex
Or to count all the[C#m] loss,x that's all been done befo[A]re.x
I j[E]ustx can't let you feel al[B]onex
When there's so much love at[C#m] homex we're sending out to y[A]oux
[G#m]Allxx the courage that you've kn[A]ownx
The bravery you've s[C#m]hownx clearly lights the w[B]ayx
We p[G#m]ray!x To make the future b[Asus2]rightxx
To make the wrong things r[C#m]ightx
Right or wrong, we're all praying you remain str[B]ongx
That's why we're all here and singing along
BACK TO CHORUS than Bridge:
([B] xxx [C#m] )xxxx
Voices that c[A]arex are c[C#m]ryingx out l[B]oudx
And w[E]henx you cl[A]osex your e[C#m]yesxx tonight,
Feel in your h[A]eartx how our lo[B]vex burns br[E]ightx
([B] xxx [C#m] xxxxx [A] xxx [B] xxx [A] xxx [C#m] )xxxx
[C#m] xxxxx You are the v[A]oicex
[B] xxx to [E] xxx
You are the light
BACK TO CHORUS(2x) than Outro:
You are the vo[A]icex and the g[B]uidingx l[C#m]ightx
Feel in your he[A]artx how our l[B]ovex burns br[E]ightx
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Can't help but wonder
In someone else's l
To either win or
Your honor I'll d
Till t
Voices that c
And w
Feel in your h
Or to count all the
I j
When there's so much love at
The bravery you've s
We p
To make the wrong things r
Right or wrong, we're all praying you remain str
That's why we're all here and singing along
BACK TO CHORUS than Bridge:
Voices that c
And w
Feel in your h
You are the light
BACK TO CHORUS(2x) than Outro:
You are the vo
Feel in your he
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