Up In Heaven Not Only Here chords

Transpose 0
Artist: The Clash
[A]The towers of L[D]ondon, these crumbling r[A]ocks
Reality est[D]ates that the hero's [F#m]got
And every hour's m[Bm]arked by the chime of a cl[G]ock

And wh[A]atcha gonna do when the d[D]arkness surrounds?
You can p[A]iss in the lifts which have b[D]roken down
You can w[F#m]atch from the debris the l[D]ast bedroom light
We're i[F#m]nvisible here just p[D]ast midn[A]ight[D] [F#m] [D]

[A]And the wives hate their[D] husbands and their husbands don't c[A]are
Their children daub sl[D]ogans to prove they lived t[F#m]here
A giant pipe [Bm]organ up in the [G]air

Can't l[A]ive in a home which should n[D]ot have been built
By the b[A]ourgeois clerks who b[D]ear no guilt
When the [F#m]wind hits this building this b[D]uilding it tilts
One d[F#m]ay it will surely fa[D]ll t[E]o the gr[A]ound[D] ..[A] . [D] [Bm] [G]

[A]Fear is just an[D]other commodity h[A]ere
They sell us peeping h[D]oles to peek when we h[F#m]ear
A bang on the d[Bm]oor resoundingly cl[G]ear

Wh[A]o would really want to m[D]ove in here?
The ch[A]ildren play faraway, the c[D]orridors are bare
This r[F#m]oom is a cage its like ca[D]ptivity
How can [F#m]anyone exist in such [D]mi[E]se[A]ry? [D]
[A]It has been s[D]aid n[A]ot only h[D]ere[Bm] [G]

[A]Allianza do[D]llars are spent
[A]To raise the towering b[D]uildings
[A]For the weary b[D]ones of the workers
[Bm]To go back in the m[G]orning
[A]It has been s[D]aid n[A]ot only h[D]ere
Used chords