Angry Hill chords
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Tuning: standard
Capo: 3
This is the tab for George Ezra's fabulious song
"Angry Hill"
I got the tabs by listening to the studio version. On the bristol couch version on
youtube he uses his capo on the fifth fret but on the studio one it's on the third. If
anything seems off to you feel free to leave a comment below.
George plucks the single notes and puts an emphasis on the high e string. Down below
you'll find the order the chords are played in the intro. Those are also the chords you'll
find in the song.
[C] xxx [G] xxx [C] xxx [G] xxx [C] xxx [C] xxx -5 [G] xxx [D] xxx
G|--0----0----0----0----0--0--0--1--| repeat
Instead of the D you could also play the single notes of C-5.
[G] *xx
[C] xxx [G] xxx [G] *xx
He reads yesterday's news,
[C] xxx [G] xxx [G] *xx
Cause today's just scares him.
[C] xxx [G] xxx [G] *xx
Thinks of yesterday's blues,
[C] xxx [G] xxx [G] *xx
Cause today's are just far too grim.
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C] xxx And I see him down i[G]nxx the morning,
[C] xxx Lying blind without [G] nox warning.
[C] xxx Seen him running thr[G]oughx the night,
[C] xxx Through the fall lea[G]dxx his enemies inside.
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C-5] xxxxx And I'm learning [C] xxx how [G] tox walk,
[C-5] xxxxx Learning how to [C] takex [G] myx time,
[C-5] xxxxx Or the angels ta[C]kex hi[G]mxx away and,
[C-5] xxxxx Lay his body six [C] xxx feet [G] xxx 'neath clay,
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C] xxx And I see him burnin[G]gxx to dust,
[C] xxx Seen him falling thr[G]oughx the shadows,
[C] xxx Shed a tear and his [G] cheekx rusts,
[C] xxx Seen him falling thr[G]oughx the shadows,
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C-5] xxxxx And I'm learning [C] xxx how [G] tox walk,
[C-5] xxxxx Learning how to [C] takex [G] myx time,
[C-5] xxxxx Or the angels ta[C]kex hi[G]mxx away and,
[C-5] xxxxx Lay his body six [C] xxx feet [G] xxx 'neath clay,
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C] xxx I'll walk and then I[G]'llx walk,
[C] xxx Lord, I'll walk, I'l[G]lxx walk and then I'll walk
[C] xxx Lord, I'll walk, Lor[G]d,x I'll walk
[C] xxx I'll walk, Lord, I'l[G]lxx walk, Lord, I'll walk
[C] xxx Lord, I'll walk, Lor[G]d,x I'll walk
[C] xxx And I'll walk, Lord, [G] xxx I'll walk, Lord, I'll walk
[C] xxx And it gro[C-5]ws,xx [G] xxx on [D] xxx it grows.
[C] xxx He's as angry as the [G] xxx hills
[C] xxx He's got a mind and [G] eyesx and both set to kill, oh
[C] xxx Maybe that he may le[G]arnx to walk,
[C] xxx And maybe that he ma[G]yxx learn to take his time,
[C] xxx Maybe that I may lea[G]rnx to walk,
[C] xxx Maybe that I may lea[G]rnx to turn my back once more...
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend
Capo: 3
This is the tab for George Ezra's fabulious song
"Angry Hill"
I got the tabs by listening to the studio version. On the bristol couch version on
youtube he uses his capo on the fifth fret but on the studio one it's on the third. If
anything seems off to you feel free to leave a comment below.
George plucks the single notes and puts an emphasis on the high e string. Down below
you'll find the order the chords are played in the intro. Those are also the chords you'll
find in the song.
G|--0----0----0----0----0--0--0--1--| repeat
Instead of the D you could also play the single notes of C-5.
He reads yesterday's news,
Cause today's just scares him.
Thinks of yesterday's blues,
Cause today's are just far too grim.
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend