Sunspot Baby chords

Transpose 0
[E]She packed up her bags and [A]she took off down the ro[E]ad
[A]Left me here stranded with the bills she [E]owed
[A]She gave me a false addre[E]ss
[A]Took off with my American Expr[E]ess
[A]She sure had me way outgues[E]sed

[E]She left me here stranded lik[A]e a dog out in the yar[E]d
[A]Charged up a fortune on my credit [E]card
[A]She used my address and my n[E]ame
[A]Man that was sure unkind [E]
[A]She sure has a real go[E]od time

[A]I looked in Miami
[E]I looked in Negril
[A]The closest I came was a month [E]old bill
[A]I checked the Bahamas and they s[E]aid she was gone
[B]I can't understand why she did me so wrong

But she packed up her bags
And she took off down the road
Said she was going to visit sister Flo
She used my address and my name
And man that was sure unkind
I'm gonna catch up sometime
Sure had a real good time
Used chords