Special Treatment chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Paul Kelly
[Bm]Gra[F#m]ndfa[G]th[D]er walked, this land in chains
[Bm]a l[A]an[D]d he called his own

[Bm]he [F#m]was [G]gi[D]ven, another name
[Bm]and[A] t[D]aken into town

[G]He[D] got, special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]ver[A]y [G]special treatment

[Bm]My [F#m]fath[G]er[D] worked, a 12 hour day
[Bm]as [A]a [D]stockman on the station
[Bm]the[F#m] ver[G]y [D]same work, but not the same pay
[Bm]as [A]hi[D]s white companions

[G]He[D] got special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]ver[A]y [G]special treatment

[Bm]Mot[F#m]her [G]an[D]d father loved each other well
[Bm]but[A] t[D]ogether they could not stay
[Bm]the[F#m]y we[G]re[D] split up agaisnt their will
[Bm]unt[A]il[D] their dying day
[G]Th[D]ey got special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]ver[A]y [G]special treatment


[Bm]Mam[F#m]a ga[G]ve[D] birth to a stranger's child
[Bm]a c[A]hi[D]ld she called her own
[Bm]str[F#m]ange[G]rs[D] came and took away that child
[Bm]to [A]a [D]strangers home

[G]Sh[D]e got special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]ver[A]y [G]special treatment

[Bm]I n[F#m]ever[G] s[D]poke my mother's tongue
[Bm]I n[A]ev[D]er knew my name
[Bm]I n[F#m]ever[G] l[D]earnt the songs she sung
[Bm]I w[A]as[D] raised in shame

[G]I [D]got special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]vey[A] s[G]pecial treatment

[G]Ye[D]ah we got special treatment
[G]sp[D]ecial treatment
[Bm]ver[A]y [G]special treatment
Used chords