Sockhead chords

Trans. 0
Main Riff:
0-4-5 low E string


[Em]Justx got b[C]ackx from [D] phillyx
I [Em] t'sx two [C] xxx am [D] xxx
I [Em] xxxx wonder how youâ[C]rex holding up [D] atx your sisters house
We s[Em]toppedx by a re[C]cordx store on th[D]exx way there
You didnât say much things were g[D]oingx through your head

Your [Em] xxxx brothers ar[C]exx in delawa[D]rex
Y[Em]ouârex alone in [C] thex city, in you[D]rxx motherâs house
Th[Em]exxx one you called your [C] secondx ho[D]mex
[Em]mxxx sorry that [C] sheâsx gone, [D] wex donât have to talk about i[D]txx
But y[Em]ouxx know youâre alw[C]aysx welcome to [D] xxx stay here in the baseme [D] ntx

We [Em] xxxx listen to weezer, i put [C] inx pinkerton
Rive[Em]rsxx cuomo understa[C]ndsx the situatio[D]nxx
Cel[Em]ebratex your birthday [C] xxx two days ahe[D]adx
Smo[Em]kedx a bunch of pot [C] sox you could ge[D]txx these thoughts out of your head
But [Em] xxxx you let t[C]hemx i[D]nxx

Whatâs the point of being in a punk rock band without your best friend?
2 5 0
3 7 2
3 7 2

He always wears that stupid hat
2 5 0
3 7 2
3 7 2
I donât know what itâs like under that sock head
2 5 0
3 7 2
3 7 2

[Em]Cancerx is a bitch [C] xxx , now iâm pl[D]ayingx a show alone
[Em]Hexx turns 19 years [C] oldx today at his mo[D]therx funeral

J[Em]ustx got off the phon[C]exx with h[D]imx
He[Em]âsxx doing ok, safe [C] xxx in philadelphia with his phi[D]llyx cheese steaks
Ca[Em]ncerx is a bitch, just [C] xxx like you[D]rxx ex girlfriend

Whatâs the point of punk rock, if you donât have your best friend
2 5 0
3 7 2
3 7 2

End is a fade of main riff
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