Sins Of My Father chords

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Artist: Tom Waits
[Am]God said don't give me your [Am]tin horn prayers
And d[Am]on't buy roses from the st[Am]reet down there
T[Dm]ook it all and took the [Dm]dirt road home
Dr[Am]eaming of Jenny with the l[Am]ight brown hair
N[E7]ight is falling like a bl[Am]oody axe
L[E7]ies and rumours and the w[Am]ind at my back
H[E7]and on the wheel, G[Am]ravel on the road
Will the p[E7]awn shop sell me [E7]back what I sold

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down t[E7]o the po[Am]nd

[Am]Birds cry a warning from a h[Am]idden branch
Ca[Am]rving out a future with a [Am]gun and an axe
I'm [Dm]way beyond the gavel and the l[Dm]aws of man
Still l[Am]iving in the palm of the g[Am]race of your hand
The w[E7]orld's not easy the b[Am]lind man said
T[E7]urns on nothing but m[Am]oney and dread
D[E7]ogs been scratching at the d[Am]oor all night
L[E7]ong necked birds flying out of the m[E7]oonlight

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond, D[Am]own [E7]to the [Am]pond

S[Am]mack dab in the middle of a d[Am]irty lie
The s[Am]tar spangled glitter of his [Am]one good eye
Eve[Dm]rybody knows that the g[Dm]ame was rigged
Ju[Am]stice wears suspenders and a pow[Am]dered wig
D[E7]ark town alleys been h[Am]iding you
L[E7]ong bell tolling is your Wa[Am]terloo
[E7]Oh baby w[Am]hat can you do
Does the l[E7]ight of God blind you, Or l[E7]ead the way home for you

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond, D[Am]own [E7]to the p[Am]ond


I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond, D[Am]own [E7]to the p[Am]ond

G[Am]od almighty for righ[Am]teousness sake
H[Am]umilation of our fa[Am]llen state
Wr[Dm]itten in the Book of T[Dm]ubal Cain
A l[Am]ong black coat will s[Am]how no stain
[E7] Feel the heat and the b[Am]urn on your back
The [E7]rip and the moan, The st[Am]retch of the rack
[E7] All my belongings in a fl[Am]our sack
Will the p[E7]lace I come from t[E7]ake me back

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond, D[Am]own [E7]to the p[Am]ond

They'll h[Am]ang me in the morning on a sca[Am]ffold yea big
To d[Am]ance upon nothing to the Ty[Am]burn jig
T[Dm]reats you like a puppet when you're u[Dm]nder it's spell
Oh the h[Am]eart is Heaven, But the m[Am]ind is Hell
J[E7]esus of Nazareth told M[Am]ike of the weeds
I's b[E7]orn at this time for a re[Am]ason you see
W[E7]hen I'm dead I'll be d[Am]ead a long time
But the w[E7]ines so pleasing and [E7]so sublime

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond, D[Am]own [E7]to the p[Am]ond

Ki[Am]ssed my sweetheart by the chi[Am]naball tree
Ev[Am]erything I done is between G[Am]od and me
O[Dm]nly he will judge how my t[Dm]ime was spent
Twe[Am]ntynine days of sinning and f[Am]orty to repent
[E7] The horse is steady but the h[Am]orse is blind
Wi[E7]cked are the branches on the t[Am]ree of mankind
[E7] The roots grow upward and the br[Am]anches grow down
It's m[E7]uch too late to throw the [E7]dice again I've found

I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Father, I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my Mo[E7]ther
I'm gonna t[Am]ake the sins of my brother, Down [E7]to the p[Am]ond

I'm gonna w[Am]ash them, I'm gonna w[Am]ash them
I'm gonna w[Am]ash the sins of my Fa[Am]ther
I'm gonna w[Am]ash the sins of my M[E7]other
I'm gonna w[Am]ash the sins of my br[Am]other
Till the w[Am]ater runs c[Am]lear, Till the w[Am]ater runs c[Am]lear
Till the w[Am]ater runs c[Am]lear, Till the w[Am]ater runs c[Am]lear
Used chords