Perfect chords
Artist: Misc Mashups & Jason Mraz & I Wont Give Up & Christina Perri & A Thousand Years & Ed Sheeran | Edit Personally Download
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When I look into[Gsus4] xxxxxxx your e[G]yes,x It's like watching the [Gsus4] xxxxxxx night sk[G]y,x
Or a beautifu[Gsus4]lxxxxxx sunri[G]se.x There's so much they [Dsus4] hold.xx [D] xxx
And just like the[Gsus4]mxxxxxx old st[G]ars,x I see that you've [Gsus4] xxxxxxx come so f[G]ar,x
To be right wher[Gsus4]exxxxxx you a[G]re.x How old is your [Dsus4] soul?xx [D] xxx
I won't give[C] upx on [G] us,x even if the sk[Em]iesx get r[D]ough.x
I'm giving you[C] allx my l[G]ove.x I'm still looking [Dsus4] xxxxxxx up. [D] xxx
[Cadd9]Heartbeatsx fast
Colors and[G] promisesx
How to be[Em7] bravex
How can I[Dsus4] lovexxx when [D/F#] I'mxxx a[Cadd9]fraidxx to fall
But watching you[G] standx alone
All of my[Em7] doubtx suddenly [Dsus4] goesxxx a[G]wayx someh[A7sus4]owxxxxxx
One step[Em7] clo--x [D] serx
[G] Ixx have died everyday [Dsus4] waitingx [D/F#] forxxx you
[Em7]Darlingx don't be afraid [Dsus4] Ixxxxxx have [D/F#] lovedx you
For a[Cadd9] thousandx years
I love you for a[Dsus4] thousandx m[D/F#]orexxx
I found a[G] lovex for [Em] mexx
Darling just[C] divex right in, and follow my [D] leadx
Well I found a[G] girlx beauti[Em]fulx and sweet
I never[C] knewx you were the someone waiting for [D] mex
Cause we were just kids when we[G] fellx in love
Not knowing[Em] whatx it was, I will not [C] givex you up this [G] ti-x [D] imex
Darling just[G] kissx me slow, your heart is [Em] allx I own
And in your[C] eyesx you're holding mi[D]nex
Baby,[Em] I'mx d[C]ancingx in the [G] dark,x with [D] youx between my [Em] armsx
[C] Barefootx on the g[G]rass,x [D] listeningx to our [Em] favoritex song
When you s[C]aidx you looked a [G] mess,x I whispered [D] underneathx my b[Em]reathx
But you h[C]eardx it, darling [G] youx look [D] perfectx tonigh[G]txx
When I look into
Or a beautifu
And just like the
To be right wher
I won't give
I'm giving you
Colors and
How to be
How can I
But watching you
All of my
One step
For a
I love you for a
I found a
Darling just
Well I found a
I never
Cause we were just kids when we
Not knowing
Darling just
And in your
When you s
But you h