Peace Of Mind chords

Transpose 0
[A] [E] [A] [E] [Bm7] [E]

[E]He drinks orange juice and vodka in the basement while she’s talkin’
[E]To someone, long distance, for hours and hours on en[Bm7]d
[Bm7]And as he slowly sipping he thinks about his children
[Bm7]And the heart attacks that youngest daughters a[E]lways giving him
[E]He ain’t smoke no marijuana since he got on with the railroad
[E]And he’s been on with the railroad for a l[A]ong and loathsome while
[A]But the day that he retires he will s[E]moke himself to China
He will l[Bm7]eave behind his worries as he’s racing [A]through the s[E]ky

[E] [A] [E] [Bm7] [E]

[E]She sells Avon to her buddies and saves a little money
[E]On the makeup she’s been using to hide away the year[Bm7]s
[Bm7]And she sits and watches TV usually every evening
[Bm7]If there aint some kind of ball game her d[E]aughter has to cheer
[E]She sneaks menthols in the morning while her family’s still a-snoring
[E]And as she burns the Eggos she looks ba[A]ck at her life
[A]That heart she broke in high school he’s s[E]ingin’ on the Opry
She w[Bm7]onders what the hell that she was thinking a[A]t the ti[E]me

Oh the days are d[A]ark down in the [E]holler
Waitin’ [Bm7]for the sun to sh[E]ine
On the b[A]ack you’ve been br[E]eaking
Trying to [Bm7]earn peace of m[E]ind

[E] [A] [E] [Bm7] [E]

[E]Their youngest daughter Stella she’s been running with this fella
[E]That he can not stand the thought of that he surely does de[Bm7]spise
[Bm7]He’s told her he’d best never see the two of them together
[Bm7]But its hard to keep an eye on her when you’re wor[E]king all the time
[E]There are things he needs to tend to and the bills the bank keeps sendin’
[E]Lord the zeros on the end keep pushing f[A]urther to the right
[A]Like a freight train haulin’ sorrow and [E]moving ever onward
Through the t[Bm7]unnel of forever towards the never e[A]nding l[E]ight

Oh the days are d[A]ark down in the [E]holler
Waitin’ [Bm7]for the sun to sh[E]ine
On the b[A]ack you’ve been br[E]eaking
Trying to [Bm7]earn peace of m[E]ind
Trying to [Bm7]earn peace of m[E]ind
Used chords
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