Old Movie chords

Trans. 0
Capo 3
[C] [D] [G] [E] [D]

If li[C]fe was a mo[D]vie and lo[G]ve was a so[E]ng yo[C]u'd be Gene Ke[D]lly and I[G]'d be in
Our r[C]oles would co[D]nsist of Par[G]amount li[E]nes, like "I lo[C]ve you forever" and "always be mine."

We wo[C]uld be h[D]appy singi[G]ng in the r[E]ain, and o[C]ur love st[D]ory is cl[G]assic in e[E]veryway.
Per[C]fect co[D]uple in a an O[G]ld M[E]ovie.

If mo[C]ves were a da[D]nce hand in h[G]and we would [E]be, ta[C]pping spora[D]dically
throu[G]ghout the st[E]reets.
And I'd s[C]ing you a so[D]ng the w[G]ay Judy do[E]es in a pic[C]ture of par[D]ades and F[G]erris
wheels we'd go ro[E]und.

In our bl[C]ack and white li[D]ves our l[G]ove would never d[E]ie.
And o[C]ne d[D]ay see that col[G]ored s[E]ky.
It all st[C]arts with a r[D]oar and e[G]nds in your e[E]yes.
In our bl[C]ack and white li[D]ves our l[G]ove would never d[E]ie.
We wo[C]uld be h[D]appy singi[G]ng in the r[E]ain, and o[C]ur love st[D]ory is cl[G]assic in

Pe[C]rfect c[D]ouple
Pe[C]rfect co[E]uple

Pe[C]rfect c[D]ouple in an Ol[G]d Mo[E]vie
Pe[C]rfect c[D]ouple in an Ol[G]d Mo[E]vie
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