Oh What Love chords

Trans. 0
[D] [Em] [Bm] [Am]

[D]From heaven to us You [Em]came in [Bm]love
[Em]Reaching down although we'd t[Bm]urned our [G]hearts
[D]In sacrifice You g[Em]ave Your [Bm]Son
[G]Over to [Em]death our sins to w[Bm]ash a[G]way
[D]In this sacrifi[Em]ce disp[Bm]layed
[Em]All the beauty of u[Bm]nendi[A]ng l[G]ove
[D]There's so much that [Em]I could [Bm]say
And [Em]Yet these simple words are [Bm]rising [G]up:

[A]Fa-t[Bm]her, [G]ooh, [Bm]oh w[A]hat l[G]ove
[A]Fa-t[Bm]her, [G]ooh, [Bm]oh w[A]hat l[G]ove


| D // Em | Bm // D/A

| [B] // [Em] |

[D]Fully man and [Em]fully [Bm]God
[Em]A great high priest upon a t[G]hrone of grace
[D]And in this priesthood [Em]I am [Bm]won
[G]By grace res[Em]tored to bow be[Bm]fore You n[G]ow
[D]For on the cross one f[Em]inal c[Bm]ry
[Em]You traded purity for a[G]ll my shame
[D]The Son of God, for [Em]man to d[Bm]ie
[G]Even t[Em]hen I know You k[Bm]new [A2]my [G]name

[A]Je-s[Bm]us, o[G]oh, [Bm]oh [A]what [G]love
[A]Je-s[Em]us, o[G]oh, [Em]oh [A]what [G]love

[A]Nothing can seperate us [Bm]from your love
[G]No mountain high no valley [D]low
[A]How high how deep how wide the l[Bm]ove of God
[G]More love than I have ever [G]known
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