No One Is Alone chords
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Capo 2
[G]Motherx cannot guid[Am]exxx you
[G]Nowx you’re on your own
[G]Onlyx me beside y[Am]ouxx
[Am]Still,x you’re not [C] alonex
[G] Nox one is al[Am]one.x Truly
[G]Nox one is al[Am]one.x
[G]Sometimesx people leave [Am] youx
[G] Halfwayx through the wood
[G]Othersx may deceive [Am] youx
[Am] Youx decide what’s [C] goodx
[G] Youx decide al[Am]onex
[G]Butx no one is al[Am]one.x
[G]Motherx isn’t here [Am] xxxx now
[G]Whox knows what she’d say
[G]Nothingsx quite so clear n[Am]owxx
[Am]Feelx you’ve lost y[C]ourx way
[G]Youx are not al[Am]onex
[G]Believex me [Am] xxxx ,
No one is alone
[G]Youx move just a [Am] fingerx
[G] Sayx the slightest word
[G]Somethingx bound to lin[Am]gerx
[Am]Bexx he[C]ardx
[G]Nox one acts al[Am]onex
[G]Nox one is al[Am]onex
[G]Peoplex make mist[Am]akesx
[G]Fathers,x Mothers
[G]Peoplex make mis[Am]takesx
[Am]Holdingx to their o[C]wnx
[G]Thinkingx they’re [Am] alonex
[G] Honorx their mis[Am]takesx
Everybody ma[C]kesx
Fight for their mis[Am]takesx
One another’s terrible m[Am]istakesx
(Strum One Time)
Witches can be ri[Am]ghtx
Giants can be go[C]odx
You decide what’s[C] xxx right
You decide what’s[Am] xxxx good
Just rem[Am]emberx
[G]Someonex is on your s[Am]idex
[G]Someonex else is not
[G]Whilex we’re seeing our [Am] xxxx side
[Am]Maybex we fo[C]rgotx
[G]Theyx are not alo[Am]nexx
[G]Nox one is alone[Am]xxxx
[G]Hardx to see the light [Am] nowx
[G] Justx don’t let it go
[G]Thingsx will come out right [Am] nowx
[Am] Wexx can make it s[C]oxx
[G]Someonex is on your s[Am]idex
[G]Nox one is [Am] alonex
No one is alone
Everybody ma
Fight for their mis
One another’s terrible m
(Strum One Time)
Witches can be ri
Giants can be go
You decide what’s
You decide what’s
Just rem