Marionette chords

Transpose 0
INTRO: [C] [G] [D] [G] [C] [G] [D] [G] [G] -[C] -[D] -[G]

Mario[C]nette, your [D]dress is all [G]wet
[Em]Did someone [Cmaj]leave you out[G]side in the [D]rain
Or is it the [G]pain
That makes all the puppet tears [C]roll down your cheek
Or [G]does the roof leak?

Mario[C]nette, how [D]could you for[G]get?
I [Em]told you your [Cmaj]bright shining [G]varnish would [D]peel
How does it [G]feel
With the bright rouge all faded, and the [C]smile almost cracked
Now [G]that you've come back?

[C]Back to the toy shop by Brandenburg [G]Gate
I [Em]hope not too [F]late [G]
'Cause my [Em]hands are much [Esus]stiffer
Than they [G]were when [C]first I [F]painted your [G6]eyes [C] [D]

[G]Mario[C]nette, no you're [D]not finished [G]yet
I'll [G]mend you and make you like [D]new
Paint your eyes [G]blue
And make you as young as [C]I was myself
And [G]there on the shelf...
You'll sit 'til the [Em]Puppet Man
[D]Comes 'round [G]again

OUTRO: (repeat 3x, then fade)
[C] [G] [D] [G] [C] [G] [D]
Used chords