Lucinda chords

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Artist: Tom Waits
Well they c[Am]all me William The Pl[Am]easer
I sold o[Am]pium, fireworks and l[E]ead
Now I'm te[Am]lling my tro[C]ubles to str[Dm]angers
When the sh[Am]adows get l[E]ong I'll be d[Am]ead

Now her h[Am]air was as black as a bucket of [Am]tar
Skin was as w[Am]hite as a cuttlefish b[E]one
I left T[Am]exas to fo[C]llow Lu[Dm]cinda
Now I'll n[Am]ever see he[E]aven or h[Am]ome

I made a w[Am]ish on silver of moo[Am]nlight
A sly g[Am]rin and a bowl full of st[E]ars
Like a [Am]kid who cap[C]tures a fi[Dm]refly
And leaves it o[Am]nly to d[E]ie in the j[Am]ar

As I k[Am]ick at the clouds at my ha[Am]nging
As I s[Am]wing out over the cr[E]owd
I will se[Am]arch every f[C]ace for Lu[Dm]cinda's
And she will [Am]go off with [E]me down to h[Am]ell

I th[Am]ought I'd broke loose of Lu[Am]cinda
The [Am]rain returned and so did the w[E]ind
I cast this bu[Am]rden on the G[C]od that's wi[Dm]thin me
I will le[Am]ave this old wo[E]rld and go f[Am]ree

The devil da[D]nces inside empty po[Am]ckets
But she did[D]'nt want money or p[Am]earls
No, that wa[D]sn't enough for Luc[Am]inda
She wa[B]sn't that kind of g[E]irl

Now I've fa[Am]llen from grace for Lu[Am]cinda
Whoever th[Am]ought that hell'd be so c[E]old
I did w[Am]ell for an o[C]ld tin can sa[Dm]ilor
But she wa[Am]nted the b[E]ell in my s[Am]oul

I've sp[Am]oken to God on the mo[Am]untain
And I've s[Am]wam in the Irish s[E]ea
I ate f[Am]ire and dr[C]ank from the Ga[Dm]nges
And I'll [Am]beg there for me[E]rcy for [Am]me

I th[Am]ought I'd broke loose of Luc[Am]inda
The rain r[Am]eturned and so did the w[E]ind
I was sta[Am]nding out[C]side the Whi[Dm]tehorse
Oh but [Am]I was afr[E]aid to go [Am]in

I h[Am]eard someone pull the tr[Am]igger
Her breasts he[Am]aved in the moonlight ag[E]ain
There was a s[Am]mear of go[C]ld in the wi[Dm]ndow
And then [Am]I was the je[E]wel of her s[Am]in

They c[Am]all me William The Pl[Am]easer
I sold o[Am]pium, fireworks and le[E]ad
Now I'm te[Am]lling my tro[C]ubles to str[Dm]angers
When the sh[Am]adows get lo[E]ng I'll be d[Am]ead

Now her h[Am]air was as black as a bucket of [Am]tar
Skin was as w[Am]hite as a cuttlefish b[E]one
I left T[Am]exas to fo[C]llow Lu[Dm]cinda
Now I'll ne[Am]ver see he[E]aven or h[Am]ome
No I'll ne[Am]ver see hea[E]ven or h[Am]ome
No I'll ne[Am]ver see hea[E]ven or h[Am]ome
Used chords