Love Farewell chords

Trans. 0
I thought I C None chords heard, the Am None chords colonel F None chords crying
Am None chords March brave G None chords boys,i there’s C None chords noiiiiii F None chords denying
G None chords Cannons C None chords roaring, Am None chords drums a-F None chordsbeating,
Am None chordsMarch brave G None chords boys,i there’s C None chords noiiiiii F None chords retreating,
G None chords Loveii C None chords farewell

If I should C None chords falliiiii in Am None chords fariiiii off F None chords battle,
Am None chords Cannons G None chords roariii and C None chords riflesii F None chords rattle,
G None chords Thoughts fly C None chords homeward - Am None chords words unF None chordsspoken,
Am None chordsValiant G None chords hearts are of-C None chordstimesi F None chords broken,
G None chords Loveii C None chords Farewell

C None chordsWilliiii you C None chords goiiiiii or Am None chords williiiii you F None chords tarry,i
Am None chords Williiii you G None chords waitiii or C None chords williiiii you F None chords marry,
G None chords Would this C None chords moment Am None chords lastiiii fF None chordsorever,
Am None chordsKissiiii me G None chords nowiii and C None chords leavei me F None chords never,
G None chords Loveii C None chords Farewell

I thought I C None chords heard, the Am None chords colonel F None chords crying
Am None chords March brave G None chords boys,i there’s C None chords noiiiiii F None chords denying
G None chords Cannons C None chords roaring, Am None chords drums a-F None chordsbeating,
Am None chordsMarch brave G None chords boys,i there’s C None chords noiiiiii F None chords retreating,
G None chords Loveii C None chords farewell

Oh JudC None chordsy,iiiiiii should I Am None chords dieiiiii in F None chords glory,
Am None chords Iniiiiiii the G None chords Times you'll C None chords readii my F None chords story,i
G None chords Butiiii I'm so C None chords bothered Am None chords byiiiiii your F None chords charms,
Am None chords I'diiiiii rather G None chords dieiiiii C None chords within your F None chords arms,
G None chords Loveii C None chords Farewell
Used chords
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