Lions Mouth chords

Transpose 0
Intro:[C#m] [E] [A] [C#m] - Lead guitar plays Theme

1.Strophe Part A: (only drums, bass and accoustic guitar)

They s[C#m]addled me with bullets and they ha[E]nded me a gun
and they s[A]aid my boy you're going off to [C#m]war.
I said goodb[C#m]ye to my lover as I wa[E]lked out the door
she said I'm t[A]oo afraid I won't see you no m[C#m]ore.

1.Strophe Part B (all):
I reas[C#m]sured her with a kiss, and like my a[E]im I did not miss
and I h[A]old that memory with me to this d[C#m]ay.
I said I'm g[C#m]oing across the sea to fight ano[E]ther one of me
and I kn[A]ow not of the reason or or what f[C#m]or.

So I j[A]umped into the lion's mou[C#m]th,
just to s[A]ee what life was really all ab[C#m]out.
And if I'm ret[A]urned to the flames and what[E]ever still remains
oh yeah y[A]ou will see what I was all abo[C#m]ut.

For y[C#m]ears went on by without a bu[E]llet in my side
and I th[A]anked the Lord that I had surv[C#m]ived.
When I w[C#m]alked through that door I caught you na[E]ked on the floor
and a p[A]art of me that survived well it just d[C#m]ied.

So I p[A]ut you in the lion's mo[C#m]uth,
so y[A]ou could see what life was all ab[C#m]out
and now you're r[A]eturned to the flames and what[E]ever ever still remains
oh yeah n[A]ow you'll see what I was all ab[C#m]out.

Guitar Solo on ½ Strophe
[C#m] [E] [A] [C#m]

3.Strophe: Only Drums and Bass and Handklapp (2-1-2-1)
So I cl[C#m]imbed up on the stairs above her bo[E]dy where she lay
and I t[A]ied that noose around my own n[C#m]eck.
And I thank G[C#m]od for all my days and to forgi[E]ve my wicked ways
and let h[A]im without sin cast the first st[C#m]one.


And wi[C#m]th that said I jumped into my so[E]uls eternal bed
and I l[A]et my legs swing beneath my h[C#m]ead.
So if y[C#m]ou should ever question the re[E]ason or what for
oh then cl[A]early boy you've never been to w[C#m]ar.

So I j[A]umped into the lion's mo[C#m]uth,
just to s[A]ee what life was really all ab[C#m]out.
And when I ret[A]urned in the flames and what[E]ever still remains
oh yeah y[A]ou will see what I was all abo[C#m]ut.

[A] (break) [C#m]
So I jumped into the lion's mouth,
just to s[A]ee what life was really all ab[C#m]out.
And when I ret[A]urned in the flames and what[E]ever still remains
oh yeah y[A]ou will see what I was all abo[C#m]ut.

[A] (break) [C#m]
So I jumped into the lions mouth
Used chords