Like We Never Loved At All chords

Trans. 0
[D]You never looked so [D]good
as you did last [D]night,
underneath the c[A]ity ligh[G]ts,
[D]there walking with your [D]friend,
laughing at the [D]moon.
I swear you looked right t[A]hrough [G]me.
But I'm [G]still living with your goo[A]dbye,
and yo[G]u're just going on with your l[A]ife.

How can [D]you just walk on by
without on[DM7]e tear in your eye'
Don't you [Bm]have the slightest feelings left f[G]or me'
[D]Maybe that's just your way
of dea[DM7]ling with the pain,
forgetting ev[Bm]erything
between our rise and [E]fall
[G]like we never loved at all. [D]

[D]You, I hear you're doing fine.
Seems like you're doing [DM7]well
as far as I can [A]tell. [G]
[D]Time is leaving us b[D]ehind,
(time leaving us behind)
another week has [DM7]passed
and still I haven't la[A]ughed yet[G] .
So [G]tell me, what your secre[A]t is [G]
(I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know)
to letting go, letting go like you [A]did,
lik[A7]e you did.

[G]like we never loved at all.

[Bm]Did you forget the [G]magic'
[Bm]Did you forget the p[G]assion'
Oh[Bm] , and did you ever m[E]iss me,
and l[G]ong to k[D]iss me' [A] [Bm]
[G] Oh baby, b[A]aby.
[D]Maybe that's just your way
of dea[DM7]ling with the pain,
forgetting e[Bm]verything
between our rise and [E]fall
[G] like we never lo[G]ved at all. [D]
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