Letters To You chords
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Tuning: [C#] xxxx
Key: C# major
You could play this in standard tuning, it doesn't really matter, but I play it
tuned to C# standard. Enjoy.
Every chord runs for a bar, but in places where there's no vocals I've shown how
many bars are to be played with vertical lines.
|[C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx |
Can'[C#]txxx you see that [Fm] Ixxx wanna be there [F#] withx open arms[G#]'xxx
It'[C#]sxxx empty tonight [Fm] andx I'm all alone [F#] xxxx , get me throu[G#]ghxx this one
[Fm]Doxx you not[F#]icex I'm gone[C#]'xxx
[Fm]Wherex do you run to, [F#] xxxx so far a[C#]way'x
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you, I m[C#]issx you so [Fm] xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you, I m[C#]issx you so [Fm] xxxx
|[C#] xxxx |
I'm[C#] xxxx writing again, [Fm] xxxx these letters to [F#] youx aren't much I know [G#] xxxx
But[C#] xxxx I'm not sleepin[Fm]gxxx and you're not here, the thought st[F#]opsx my heart [G#] xxxx
[Fm]Doxx you not[F#]icex I'm gone[C#]'xxx
[Fm]Wherex do you run to, [F#] xxxx so far a[C#]way'x
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you s[Fm]oxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you s[Fm]oxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you, I m[C#]issx you so [Fm] xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you, I m[C#]issx you so [Fm] xxxx
|[C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] |xxx
[C#] Noxx more looking
I've found home
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you so[Fm]xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you so[Fm]xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you so[Fm]xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know th[F#]atxx I miss you [C#] xxxx , I miss you so[Fm]xxxx
[A#]Ixxx want you to know that [F#] Ixxx miss you, I m[C#]issx you so[Fm]xxxx
[A#] xxxx [F#] xxxx I've gone [C#] xxxx away [Fm] xxxx
[A#] xxxx [F#] xxxx I've g[C#]onex away [Fm] xxxx
|[C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx | [C#] xxxx |
Key: C# major
You could play this in standard tuning, it doesn't really matter, but I play it
tuned to C# standard. Enjoy.
Every chord runs for a bar, but in places where there's no vocals I've shown how
many bars are to be played with vertical lines.
I've found home