Leave Everything Behind chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Amaranthe
[Bm]Final sign of vera[G]city
In the o[D]pen palm of your en[A]emy
[Bm]Going down, down,[G] down
[D]It's a sign of my o[A]wn demise
[Bm]A confirma[G]tion of my f[D]inal des[A]tination
[Bm]To a torment of hope[A]less cries

[Bm]There's no reaso[G]n
To be[D]lieve that I will be [A]on my way
[Bm]See your fut[G]ure in [D]decay
But you won't[A] hear me when I say
[Bm]So come on

Hear me, see me what I tried to find was
[Bm]Emancipat[G]ion of the h[D]uman m[A]ind, 'cause
[Bm]Hear me s[G]ee me put your l[D]ife on the l[A]ine
[G]A confirmation of your str[A]ife
[A]You leave everything be[Bm]hind

[Bm]Like a drop of blood in the op[G]en sea
[D]Revelation hides a tena[A]city
[Bm]Going down, down, [G]down
[D]In the fire of enter[A]prise
[Bm]Indoctrinat[G]ion leads to le[D]thal dedic[A]ation
[Bm]No world order to ana[A]lyze

[Bm]There's no reaso[G]n
To be[D]lieve that I will be [A]on my way
[Bm]See your fu[G]ture in d[D]ecay
But you won't h[A]ear me when I say
[Bm]So come on

[Bm]Hear me, [G]see me what I t[D]ried to f[A]ind was
[Bm]Emancipat[G]ion of the h[D]uman m[A]ind, 'cause
[Bm]Hear me s[G]ee me put your l[D]ife on the l[A]ine
[G]A confirma[D]tion of your st[A]rife
[A]You leave everything behi[Bm]nd

[Bm] [G] [D] [A]

[Bm]Feel me h[G]ear me what I t[D]ried to [A]say
[Bm]Liberat[G]ion was my [D]only w[A]ay
[Bm]Here's my [G]reason I t[D]ried to dec[A]ide
[Bm]If res[G]toration of my p[D]ride
[A]Will leave everything behind

[Bm]Hear me, see me what I tried to find was
[Bm]Emancipa[G]tion of the h[D]uman m[A]ind, 'cause
[Bm]Hear me [G]see me put your [D]life on the l[A]ine
[D]A confirmation of your str[A]ife

1st string -2-5-3-2
2nd string -5-3-0
You leave [Bm]everything behin[Bm]d
Used chords