Keep Climbing chords

Transpose 0
[Em] Packed my bags and I walk o[C]n foot
[Em] This was the time that I knew I[C] should
[Em] There's a fear in every[C] step
[Em] And I still love where I jus[C]t left

[G]Two mountains, I'm c[D]aught in the middle
[G/E]Can't see the f[C]orest before the tree
[G]This climbing b[D]reaks me a little
But the h[Em]ope ins[D]ide [G]of m[C]e
That this l[Em]onely [D]vall[G]ey l[C]eads
To a br[D]idge over troubled dr[Em]ea.....[D]ms
To a bridge over troubled dr[C]

[Em] I see new lines across [C]my face
[Em] I lost some str[D]ength that I can't r[C]eplace
[Em] Am I too ti[D]red for this h[C]ealing
[Em] And are my sc[D]ars now to rev[C]ealing?

[G]Two mountains, I'm c[D]aught in the middle
[G/E]Can't see the f[C]orest before the trees
[G]This climbing br[D]eaks me a little
But the h[Em]ope in[D]side [G]of m[C]e
That this l[Em]onely [D]vall[G]ey l[C]eads
To a b[D]ridge over troubled d[G]rea[D] ...[C] .ms[D]

(repeat [G] [D] [C] D)

(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
Keep climbing
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)

[G]Two mountains, I'm c[D]aught in the middle
[G/E]Can't see the f[C]orest before the trees
[G]This climbing br[D]eaks me a little [Em] [D] [G] [C]
That this lo[Em]nely v[D]all[G]ey le[C]ads
[D] x2 [G] [D] [C] [D]
To a bridge over troubled dreams
To a bridge over troubled dreams

(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
To a bridge over troubled dreams
(Keep climbing, just keep climbing)
Used chords