I Hope That I Dont Fall In Love With You chords

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Artist: Tom Waits
Well I h[C]ope that I don't f[F]all in love with y[G]ou
'Cause fal[C]ling in l[F]ove jus' makes me b[G]lue
Well the mu[F]sic plays and y[C]ou display, Your he[G]art for me to s[C]ee
I h[F]ad a beer and n[C]ow I hear you ca[D]llin' out to [G]me
And I h[C]ope that don't f[F]all in l[G]ove with y[C]ou

Well the ro[C]om is crowded, There's pe[F]ople ever[G]ywhere
And I wo[C]nder should I of[F]fer you a ch[G]air
Well if y[F]ou sit down with t[C]his ol' clown, I'll t[G]ake that frown and b[C]reak it
Bef[F]ore the evening's g[C]one away, I th[D]ink that we could m[G]ake it
And I h[C]ope that I don't f[F]all in l[G]ove with y[C]ou

Well the ni[C]ght does funny th[F]ings inside a m[G]an
These old t[C]om-cat feelings y[F]ou don't under[G]stand
When I t[F]urn around to lo[C]ok at you, You li[G]ght cigar[C]ette
I w[F]ish I had the g[C]uts to bum one, B[D]ut we've never m[G]et
And I h[C]ope that I don't f[F]all in l[G]ove with y[C]ou

I can s[C]ee that you are lon[F]esome just like [G]me
And it be[C]ing late you'd l[F]ike some com[G]pany
Well I t[F]urn around to l[C]ook at you, And y[G]ou look back at [C]me
The g[F]uy you're with has [C]up and split, The ch[D]air next to you's f[G]ree
And I h[C]ope the you don't f[F]all in l[G]ove with [C]me

Now it's clo[C]sing time, The mu[F]sic's fading o[G]ut
Last c[C]all for drinks, I'll h[F]ave another st[G]out
When I t[F]urn around to l[C]ook at you, You're no[G]where to be fo[C]und
I sea[F]rch the place for y[C]our lost face, Guess I'll h[D]ave another ro[G]und
And I th[C]ink that I just f[F]ell in l[G]ove with y[C]ou
Used chords