Hurricane chords

Transpose 0
Capo 2.


[D]There-s boards on all the [G]windows
[D]There's a storm moving i[G]n
[D]You can tell by the way the [G]wind blows
That [D]she ain't coming to make f[G]riends
[D]I can see her coming, [G]from a mile away
[D]You can tell this is [G]going to be rough
[D]What took me my whole l[G]ife to build
[D]Took her one night to [G]fuck it up


[A]Tell me baby [G]was I targeted
Or [A]was I simply in the [D]way
The [A]wind has lost its force
And the [G]rain has run its course
And [D]all you're left with is a n[G]ame [A]
The name of your hurrica[D]ne


[D]Well she followed me through [G]Florida
[D]About as calm as a gun fore [G]hire
[D]But it wasn't till south G[G]eorgia
[D]That she nearly set me chest on [G]fire
[D]When it comes to women,[G] I figured she
[D]Would burn out like the [G]rest
[D]But that damn girl nearly s[G]tole my heart
[D]When she stepped out of that black [G]dress


[A]Tell me baby [G]was I targeted
Or [A]was I simply in the [D]way
The [A]wind has lost its force
And the [G]rain has run its course
And [D]all you're left with is a n[G]ame [A]
The name of your hurrica[D]ne


[D]Well they say that the eye of the s[G]torm
[D]is the safest place to [G]be
[D]But if I spend one more m[G]oment in those eyes
[D]It's gonna be the death of [G]me
[D]I didn't get her,[G] well that's for sure
[D]She stung me like a hornet's [G]nest
[D]I just can't wait to get back to [G]Carolina
[D]So I can lay those storms to [G]rest


[A]Tell me baby [G]was I targeted
Or [A]was I simply in the [D]way
The [A]wind has lost its force
And the [G]rain has run its course
And [D]all you're left with is a n[G]ame [A]
The name of your hurrica[D]ne


[G]My hurri[D]cane
[G]Sweet hurri[D]cane
Used chords