Hard To Quit chords

Transpose 0
[Em]Baby won't you [D]come to [G]bed
[Em]And kick off [D]those skinny [G]jeans
[Em]Take off what you're [D]wearin'
And [G]let down your [D]hair [C]and
Let me show you how good a [G]mistake can
[D]really [G]be

[Em]Nobody's ever [D]kissed me like you [G]do
And [Em]I don't think any[D]one ever [G]will
The way you [Em]bite my [D]lower lip
And the [G]way [D]my [C]fingertips
Turn on the [G]woman [D]inside of [G]you

[Em]Why can't we [D]make this [G]work?
Just [Em]tell me what I [D]gotta [G]fix
[Em]You ain't gotta [D]stay
But [G]please [D]don't [C]walk away
'Cause you're the [Em]hardest thing I've
[D]ever had to [G]quit

[Em]I'll never [D]forget those [G]nights
[Em]In a [D]dirty hotel [G]room
[Em]If I had it [D]my way
We'd [G]head out [D]on that [C]highway

And we'd never look back just
[G]living [D]between the [G]lines

[Em]But your eyes that [D]tell me [G]more
[Em]Than your [D]tongue ever [G]will
[Em]You just can't [D]help it
You're in [G]love with [D]someone [C]else, kid
And I'm stuck here [G]falling in [D]love with

[Em]Why can't we [D]make this [G]work?
Just [Em]tell me what I [D]gotta [G]fix
[Em]You ain't gotta [D]stay
But [G]please [D]don't [C]walk away
'Cause you're the [Em]hardest thing I've
[D]ever had to [G]quit

[Em]This shirt still [D]smells like [G]you
[Em]I haven't [D]washed these clothes [G]in weeks
[Em]I'm killing [D]myself
Just [G]listening [D]to old [C]voicemails
Just to hear the [G]way you [D]said [G]goodbye
Just to [Em]hear the [G]way you [D]said [G]goodbye
Used chords