Governers Ball chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Conor Oberst
[E]He came with his friends, in a caravan
To [G#]witness the governor's [A]ball
[E]Sat by himself on a cool patch of grass
While the [A]rest stood like bricks in a [B]wall
The [C#m]stage it looked like a [A]vending machine
The [G#]singer, a black barbie [C#m]doll
But it was [E]well light, and well [A]managed
So no [E]property, would be d[A]amaged
Until his [E]boredom, took full [B]adva[A]ntage
Of it [E]all
[E]Talked to a girl, with klonopin eyes
Who [G#]said she had jewelry to [A]sell
[E]First he said no thanks, then he realized
That [A]he wasn't feeling that [B]well
And the [C#m]turquoise she held looked like [A]pieces of sky
And a [G#]garnet like teardrops from [C#m]hell
She [E]offered, him a [A]necklace, and he [E]wanted to acc[A]ept it
But it would [E]end up, too [B]expen[A]sive, he could [E]tell
Then she said:[A] "[E] ;Why[A] not? What have[E] you got[F#m] , to lose[A] , to[B] lose?"
When he [E]never came back, and the curfew had passed
His [G#]friends searched the fair grounds for [A]clues
But the [E]security guard with the maniacal laugh
Said its [A]always the leader you [B]lose
When he [C#m]finally turned up in the [A]broad light of day
With a [G#]black eye as big as the [C#m]moon
They all [E]asked him, what had [A]happened
Was it[E] real or, all i[A]magined
Why on [E]earth had, he [B]abandoned[A] them so [E]soon
And he said:
&[A]quot[E] ;Why [A]not? I do what [E]I've got[F#m] , to do, and so sh[A]ould [B]you, you"

[E] [B] [A] x3
[E] [B] [A] [G#m] [F#m] [E]
Used chords