Gossamer Thin chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Conor Oberst
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[D] [E]

[A]Rings 'round his[F#m] eyes
[A]Tracks down his [F#m]arm
[A]His fans are con[F#m]fused and his
[D]friends are ala[E]rmed
[A]His wife doesn't[F#m] talk
[A]Hates when he's [F#m]gone
[A]Counts every sk[F#m]irt
[D]in his new entour[E]age

And they're a[D]ll gossamer t[E7]hin
Left of the d[A]ial, boh[F#m]emians
And they da[D]nce, tournament st[E7]yle
Twirl 'round the r[A]oom, curtsey and [F#m]smile
[A]And they sit at [F#m]his feet,
[A]read poe[F#m]try and
[A]Swoon wi[E]th each w[D]ord [E7]he spe[A]aks


[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[D] [E]


[A]She likes the new p[F#m]ope
[A]She's not scared of [F#m]hell
[A]They meet once a w[F#m]eek
at a se[D]cret mo[E]tel
[A]She kisses his n[F#m]eck,
[A]she plays with h[F#m]is hair
[A]Her screams sound like pl[F#m]easure,
her mo[D]ans like des[E]pair

And they're sp[D]read gossamer t[E7]hin
Pushed to the e[A]dge, frayed at the [F#m]ends
And it's [D]no business of [E7]mine
They can love mo[A]re than one at a [F#m]time
But they're [A]pushing their lu[F#m]ck
[A]Hard but they mu[F#m]st
[A]Risk [E]it a[D]ll f[E7]or lov[A]e


[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[D] [E]


[C#m]Now I walk around in some kind of al[D]tered state [E]
[F#m]The drink in my h[D]and is starting to sh[A]ake
[C#m]I get used to it if it has to s[D]tay this way [E]
[F#m]A new bunch of flo[D]wers I'll have to ar[E7]range


[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[D] [E]


[A]I don't want to [F#m]eat
[A]or get out of [F#m]bed
[A]Try to rec[F#m]all
what the t[D]herapist [E]said
[A]Ego and[F#m] Id,
[A]the Essential S[F#m]elf
[A]You are who you [F#m]are
and yo[D]u are someone [E]else


But I'm wo[D]rn gossamer t[E7]hin
Like delicate a[A]rch, carved by the [F#m]wind
There's a gl[D]ass psyche at st[E7]ake
Throw me a b[A]rick, see if it br[F#m]eaks
'Cause [A]the mind and the br[F#m]ain
[A]aren't quite the s[F#m]ame
[A]But they both wa[E]nt [D]out o[E7]f this [A]place


[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[A] [F#m]
[D] [E]
Used chords