Famous Last Words chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Billy Joel
(intro - same as 1st and 2nd verse line):
[D] [G]
[D] [G]

[D]Sitting here in Avalon, [G]looking at the pouring rain
[D]Summertime has come and gone [G]and everybody's home again
[A]Closing down for the season, I found the [C]last of the souve[G]nirs
[A]I can still taste the wedding cake and it's [C]sweet after all these [G]years

[G]These are the [C]last words I [D]have to say
[C]That's why it took so long to [D]write
[C]There will be other words some [D]other day
[C]But that's the story of my [D]life

[D]There's comfort in my coffee cup [G]and apples in the early fall
[D]They're pulling all the moorings up [G]and gathering at the Legion Hall
[A]They swept away all the streamers after the [C]Labor Day pa[G]rade
[A]There's Nothing left for a dreamer now, only [C]one final sere[G]nade

[G]And these are the [C]last words I [D]have to say
[C]Before another age goes [D]by
[C]With all those other songs I'll [D]have to play
[C]But that's the story of my [D]lif[A]e [G]

[G]And it's so [C]clear standing [G]here where I [D]am
[F]Ain't that what [C]justice is [G]for'
[Bb]Frankly, my [F]dear, I [Bb]don't [C]give a [G]damn any[D]more

(verse - 1st und 2nd line instrumental)
[D] [G]
[D] [G]
[A]Stack the chairs on the table tops, hang the [C]sheets on the chande[G]liers
[A]It slows down but it never stops, ain't it [C]sweet after all these [G]years

[G]And these are the [C]last words I [D]have to say
[C]It's always hard to say good[D]bye
[C]But now it's time to put this [D]book away
[C]But that's the story of my [D]life

[G]These are the [C]last words I [D]have to say
[C]That's why it took so long to [D]write
[C]There will be other words some [D]other day
[C]Ain't that the story of my [D]life

[G]These are the [C]last words I [D]have to say
[C]Before another age goes [D]by
[C]With all those other songs I'll [D]have to play
[C]Ain't that the story of my [D]life

(chorus - instrumental fade out)
[G] [C] [D]
Used chords