Elias chords

Trans. 0
[A]You raise your head, beat the sun
But your boy[E]s they lie, so close to yo[D]u
Do you dare g[Fm]et up' And wa[E]ke the two
Oh E[A]lias, I see you there, at work in the day[E]time do you think you could,
an[D]swer all the questions of the world
In just one wo[Fm]rd, I think you co[E]uld.
[A]If you di[E]e will i g[Fm]et w[E]ord t[D]hat you're gone
[A]Or will i[E] hear it in pa[Fm]ssing[E] conver[D]sation
[A]Will i st[E]op short and, fa[Fm]ll t[E]o the g[D]round
[A]Distance is sh[E]ort when your h[Fm]and[E] carries what[D] your eye found
[A]Hold my ha[E]nd just one more ti[Fm]me, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna m[D]eet me
[A]Hold my ha[E]nd just one more ti[Fm]me, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna me[D]et me
[A]Honest and Manuel well you know, they're at scho[E]ol now
Getting the chance that, the[D]ir father's never seen
See whats be[Fm]yond, section 1[E]7
And in 1[A]0 years, when you look back at your bo[E]ys
well you know they've grown, way taller than the [D]tallest sugar c[Fm]ane in the
[A]If you d[E]ie will i g[Fm]et wor[E]d th[D]at you're gone
[A]Or will i h[E]ear it in pas[Fm]sing co[E]nvers[D]ation
[A]Will i s[E]top short and, f[Fm]all t[E]o t[D]he ground
[A]Distance is sh[E]ort when your h[Fm]and car[E]ries wh[D]at your eye found
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more t[Fm]ime, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna [D]meet me
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more time

Hold my hand just one more time
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more ti[Fm]me, to see if you're real[E]ly gonna m[D]eet meee.
[D]And I see your wife, she s[A]tands, stoope[D]d over by the fire o[E]utside
[D]And I see your boys, and w[A]hen they look up, [D]you know i think they've[E] got their
mother's eyes
[D]Cause she looks so proud, s[A]he looks so happy, sh[D]e looks so proud, sh[E]e looks so

yeaahhh I[A]f you d[E]ie will i ge[Fm]t wo[E]rd [D]that you're gone
[A]Or will i he[E]ar it in pas[Fm]sing co[E]nver[D]sation
[A]Will i stop sh[E]ort and, fa[Fm]ll t[E]o th[D]e ground
[A]Distance is sho[E]rt when your ha[Fm]nd car[E]ries wh[D]at your eye found
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more [Fm]time, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna [D]meet me
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more [Fm]time, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna [D]meet me
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more [Fm]tiiiime (Aya, Aya, Ayaahah[E]) [D]
[A]Hold my han[E]d ,one more time[Fm] (Aya, Aya, Ayaahah) [E] [D]
[A]Dayah ya ya[E] , yah yah yah, y[Fm]ah yah yah (Aya, Aya, Ayaa[E]haha) [D]
[A]Hold my han[E]d just one more [Fm]time, to see if you're rea[E]lly gonna [D]meet me

Hold my hand just one more time, to see if you're really gonna meet me
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