Democracy chords

Transpose 0
It's co[D]ming through a h[G]ole in the a[A]ir,
from those ni[D]ghts in Tia[A]nanmen Sq[D]uare.
It's co[G]ming from the feel

that this ain't exactly real,
or it's r[D]eal, but it ain't exactly there.
From the w[F#]ars against disorder,
from the s[Bm]irens night and day,
from the f[F#]ires of the homeless,
from the a[Bm]shes of the gay:
Demo[A]cracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A.

It's co[D]ming through a [G] crack in the w[A]all;
on a vis[D]ionary fl[A]ood of alc[D]ohol;
from the stag[G]gering account

of the Sermon on the Mount
which I d[D]on't pretend to understand at all.
It's c[F#]oming from the silence
on the [Bm] dock of the bay,
from the br[F#]ave, the bold, the battered
heart of [Bm] Chevrolet:
Dem[A]ocracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A.

It's co[D]ming from the so[G]rrow in the st[A]reet,
the h[D]oly places wh[A]ere the races m[D]eet;
from the hom[G]icidal bitchin'

that goes down in every kitchen
to dete[D]rmine who will serve and who will eat.
From the we[F#]lls of disappointment
where the w[Bm]omen kneel to pray
for the g[F#]race of God in the desert here
and the de[Bm]sert far away:
Demo[A]cracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A.

S[A]ail on, s[G]ail on
O mi[D]ghty Ship of State!
To the Sh[A]ores of Need
Past the Re[G]efs of Greed
Through the Squ[D]alls of Hate
S[A]ail on, sail on, sa[G]il on, sa[D]il on.

It's co[D]ming to Am[G]erica fi[A]rst,
the cr[D]adle of the b[A]est and of the wo[D]rst.
It's h[G]ere they got the range

and the machinery for change
and it's h[D]ere they got the spiritual thirst.
It's h[F#]ere the family's broken
and it's h[Bm]ere the lonely say
that the h[F#]eart has got to open
in a fun[Bm]damental way:
Demo[A]cracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A.

It's co[D]ming from the wo[G]men and the m[A]en.
O b[D]aby, we'll be ma[A]king love ag[D]ain.
We'll be go[G]ing down so deep

the river's going to weep,
and the mou[D]ntain's going to shout Amen!
It's co[F#]ming like the tidal flood
be[Bm]neath the lunar sway,
im[F#]perial, mysterious,
in am[Bm]orous array:
Demo[A]cracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A.

S[A]ail on, s[G]ail on ...

I'm sent[D]imental, if you [G] know what I m[A]ean
I love the cou[D]ntry but I [A] can't stand the sc[D]ene.
And I'm ne[G]ither left or right

I'm just staying home tonight,
getting l[D]ost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stu[F#]bborn as those garbage bags
that T[Bm]ime cannot decay,
I'm j[F#]unk but I'm still holding up
this li[Bm]ttle wild bouquet:
Dem[A]ocracy is coming [G] to the U.S.[D]A
Used chords