Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing chords

Transpose 0
[Intro] ; [G] [D] [C] [D] [G]

Come, Thou Fo[G]unt of every [D]blessing
Tune my [C]heart to s[D]ing Thy gr[G]ace
Streams of [G]mercy never c[D]easing
Call for s[C]ongs of l[D]oudest p[G]raise
Teach me [Em]some melo[C]dious so[G]nnet
Sung by f[Em]laming t[D]ongues [G]above
Praise the [G]name! I’m fixed up[D]on it
Name of [C]Thy rede[D]eming lo[G]ve

(Optional Instrumental b/w verses: G D C [D] [G] )

Hither[G]to Thy love has [D]blessed me
Thou hast [C]brought me [D]to this [G]place
And I [G]know Thy hand will [D]bring me
Safely [C]home by [D]Thy good [G]grace
Jesus [Em]sought me [C]when a strang[G]er
Wandering [Em]from the [D]fold of [G]God
He, to [G]rescue me from [D]danger
Inter[C]posed His [D]precious [G]blood

Oh to [G]grace how great a [D]debtor
Daily [C]I’m const[D]rained to [G]be
Let Thy [G]goodness, like a [D]fetter
Bind my [C]wandering [D]heart to [G]Thee
Prone to [Em]wander, [C]Lord, I feel [G]it
Prone to [Em]leave the [D]God I [G]love
Here’s my [G]heart, oh take and [D]seal it
Seal it [C]for Thy c[D]ourts a[G]bove

Oh that [G]day when freed from [D]sinning
I shall [C]see Thy [D]lovely [G]face
Full arr[G]ayed in blood-washed [D]linen
How I’ll [C]sing Thy [D]sovereign g[G]race
Come, my [Em]Lord, no [C]longer tar[G]ry
Bring Thy [Em]promise[D]s to [G]pass
For I [G]know Thy pow’r will [D]keep me
Till I’m [C]home with [D]Thee at [G]last
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