Innocence Mission chords & sheets

There are total 9 results.
[Chords] [A] [A/G#] [F#] [F#/E] [D] [D/C#] [E] [C#m] e|--------2---2---2--2----0--4--| B|-2--2---2---2---3--3----0--5--| G|-2--2---2---2---2--2----1--6--| D|-2--2---4---4---0--0----2--6--| A|-0--0---4---4---0--4----2--4--| E|----4---2---0-----------0-----| [VERSE 1] [A]The[A/G#]re are the...
Now [A]shall my i[E]nward j[A]oys a[E]rise, And [A]burst [D]into a s[E]ong; Al[A]mighty l[D]ove in[Bm]spires my [E]heart, And p[Bm]leasure t[D]unes [E]my [A]tongue. God, [A]on His t[E]hirsty Z[A]ion’[E]s hill, Some [A]mercy d[D]rops has [E]thrown; And [A]solemn [D]oaths have [Bm]bound His...
CAPO 5 [F]And you live your life with your a[C]rms stretched out. [F]Eye to eye when s[C]peaking. [F]Enter rooms with g[C]reat joy shouts, [F]happy to be [G]meeting. [F]And brig[D]ht, [F]brig[D]ht, [F]bright [D]bright as [G]yellow, [F]warm as [C]yellow. [F]And I do not want to [C]be a rose. [F]I...
[INTRO] (all chords using Emajor shape barred) [Bb] [G] [Bb] [G] [C] [Bb] [Bb] [F] [Bb] [F] [VERSE] And you l[Bb]ive life With your ar[F]ms Reached out [Bb]Eye to eye when [F]speaking [Bb]Enter rooms with [F]great joy shouts [Dm]Happy to be [C]meeting [CHORUS] [Bb]And bright[G] [Bb]Bright...
Capo VI Suggested (unusual) chords C/B x2x010 D/F# 200232 Amadd9 002410 Am7 002010 Am6 004010 Gmaj7 32400x [INTRO] [C] [C/B] [Am] | [C] [C/B] [Am] |D/F# [G] | [C] [C/B] [Am] | [VERSE] [C]Down [C/B]this [Am]street, I [C]ride[C/B] a g[Am]reen bus, [D/F#]early, ...
[chords] F 133211 Em 022000 Am x02210 Am/G 302210 D/F# 2x023x C x32010 Cadd9/B x20010 [INTRO] [F] [VERSE 1] [F]When you [Em]wake up sun will [Am]shine[Am/G] [D/F#] [F]We will not go under [C]any cloud [Cadd9/B] ...
[G]I'll wait to [C]ring the bells a[G]while, [C]till all the light a[G]nd color have stayed the [C]whole of spring, [Bm]until I bel[C]ieve it. And if, and if I count on you, oh do not fly away. I dare not count on you, it is too early to say. Oh can you tell me of the future, if something is the...
[INTRO] [Cm] [VERSE 1] Oh [Fm]make [Bb]the future [Eb]small Like the [Ab]painting we s[Eb]aw of St. [Ab]Francis And there was, [Cm]far [Fm]awa[Bb]y, a backg[Eb]round city- We only found it with [Ab]magnifiers and [Fm]light And I [Cm]do wish the future was [Fm]like t[Bb]hat Don't I [Eb]know...
[G]We will walk on a hill Red hats and [F]blue coats, and everything still. Snow will cover until [G]We can't tell the sky from the ground. [F]Where are the buildings, the old wounds of mine? [F]Did I ever once cry? [D#]Wai- [D#maj7/D]ting for [Cm]you to ar[D#]rive, [A#]Where does the time...
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