Closer To You chords
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[A] xxx [E] xxx [A] xxx [E] xxx
[A] Wellx I've tasted love so sweet
[A]Playedx around but not for keeps
[F#m]Ixxxx never been knocked off my feet
[F#m]Tillx you came along
[C#m]Inxxx the room surrounding me
[D]Arex angels I cannot see
[Bm]Ixxx know they come to carry me to
[E]Wherex I belong
Closer to[F#m] you,x closer to [C#m] youxx
[D] I'mx singing like a sailor
strutting up your avenue[F#m] xxxxx
Like a clow[Bm]nxxx in a costume shop
Wearing[C#m] nothingx but my birthday suit
Getting closer to[F#m] youxx [F#m] xxxxx
[A]Allx the knocks upon your door
[A]Footstepsx fallen on your floor
[F#m]Allxx the shipwrecks on your shore
[F#m]Meanx nothing to me
[C#m]Allxx the crooks on Capitol Hill
[D]Criminalsx on the dollar bills
[Bm]Allx the money on Wall Street still
[E]Couldn'tx keep me from getting
Closer to[F#m] you.x Closer to [C#m] youxx
[D] Likex a priest on a pulpit
[F#m]preachingx to an empty room
Like a[Bm] drunkx in a dive bar
In the early[C#m] afternoonx
Closer to[F#m] you.x [F#m] xxxxx
[Dm]Poetsx could not pronounce your name
[Dm]Gamblersx couldn't play the game
[Am]Matchstickx statues set to flame
[Am]Couldn'tx hold a candle to you
[Gm]Swindlersx on the Sunset strip
[Gm]Hypnotistsx and hypocrites
[E]Ventriloquistsx and Pickpockets
[E]Wishx that they could get
Solo:[Dm] xxxx [Dm] xxxx [Am] xxxx [Am] xxxx [Gm] xxxx [Gm] xxxx [E] xxx [E] xxx
[A] Wellx I've tasted love so sweet
[A]Playedx around but not for keeps
[F#m]Ixxxx never been knocked off my feet
[F#m]Tillx you came along
[C#m]Ixxxx sit through the trickery
[D]Thex jealousy and vanity
[Bm]Thex potency of your prophesy
[E]Becausex I long to be
Closer to[F#m] you.x Closer to [C#m] youxx
[D] Likex a hound dog in a junkyard honey
[F#m]I'mxx howling at the moon
[Bm]Likex a Pirate in a pawnshop
[C#m]withx a pocket full of jewels
Closer to[F#m] youxx ([F#m]x3)xx
I'll get through
Oh baby I'll get through
Closer to you
Closer to
strutting up your avenue
Like a clow
Getting closer to
Closer to
Like a
In the early
Closer to
Closer to
Closer to
I'll get through
Oh baby I'll get through
Closer to you