Close Your Eyes chords
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capo 3rd fret
[Em]Dontx walk away [D] xxx
Till you hear me say[G] xxx
That I knew i had l[F]ostx you
[Em]Dontx hit the floor [D] xxx
Until you want no more[G] xxx
Theres nothing left for me[F] xxx to lose
[G]Closex you[D]rxx eyes [C] xxx
And I will wait h[G]erex for you
[C] xxx [G] xxx [Dsus4] /xxxxxx [F#] xxxx
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye[C]sxx
I will wor[G]ryx for you
Til pa[Em]inxx and sorrow go away [F] xxx
I would walk[C] thex distance
N[G]otx speak but listen
Cause Im always mi[F]ssinx you [C] xxx
But all i[F]nxx all you catch me [C] xxx when I fall [G] xxx
[Em]Withx heaven high above [D] xxx
And hell below[G] xxx
I whisper so they[F]'llx never know
[Em]Theresx a darkness that creeps [D] xxx
Inside us all[G] xxx
Will the angels still come to my ca[F]ll?x
[G]Closex you[D]rxx eyes [C] xxx
And I will wait h[G]erex for you
[C] xxx [G] xxx [Dsus4] /xxxxxx [F#] xxxx
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye[C]sxx
I will wor[G]ryx for you
Til pa[Em]inxx and sorrow go away [F] xxx
I would walk[C] thex distance
N[G]otx speak but listen
Cause Im always mi[F]ssinx you [C] xxx
But all i[F]nxx all you catch me [C] xxx when I fall [G] xxx
How I see[G] xxx it in yo[C]urx eyes [F] xxx
Through the truth and[G] throughx the lie[C]sxx [F] xxx
I prom[G]isedx you we'd make it through [C] xxx
I prom[Am]isedx you theres more for you[F]xxx
[G]Closex you[D]rxx eyes [C] xxx
And I will wait h[G]erex for you
[C] xxx [G] xxx [Dsus4] /xxxxxx [F#] xxxx
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye[C]sxx
I will wor[G]ryx for you
Til pa[Em]inxx and sorrow go away [F] xxx
I would walk[C] thex distance
N[G]otx speak but listen
Cause Im always mi[F]ssinx you [C] xxx
But all i[F]nxx all you catch me [C] xxx when I fall [G] xxx
Oh yes all i[F]nxx all you catch me [C] xxx when i fall [G] xxx
Till you hear me say
That I knew i had l
Until you want no more
Theres nothing left for me
And I will wait h
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye
I will wor
Til pa
I would walk
Cause Im always mi
But all i
And hell below
I whisper so they
Inside us all
Will the angels still come to my ca
And I will wait h
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye
I will wor
Til pa
I would walk
Cause Im always mi
But all i
How I see
Through the truth and
I prom
I prom
And I will wait h
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eye
I will wor
Til pa
I would walk
Cause Im always mi
But all i
Oh yes all i