Carry My Soul chords
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Intro: [E] xxx - [C#m] xxxxx - [B] xxx | [E] xxx - [E/G#] xxxxxx - [A] xxx
I want to hear you s[E]ayx well done
I want to be w[A]elcomedx in
I want to feel Your l[C#m]ovexx like sunshine o[B]nxx my resurr[A]ectedx skin.
I want to hear the[E] musicx play
I want to hear the t[A]rumpetx sound
I want to hear You[C#m] callx my name, and w[B]atchx my feet lift o[A]ffx the ground
So I will[E] rux [C#m] nxxxx [B] xxx Ooh and [E] Ixx w[E/G#]on'txx q[A]uit.x
Chasing your[E] hex [C#m] art,x [B] xxx just like [E] Dax [E/G#] vidxxx d[A]idx
And I'll come r[E]unningx through the gates
[E/G#]Lookxx into your face, [A] ohx I can hardly wait
Until You[C#m] carryx my soul, [B] carryx my soul [A] awayx
Until You[C#m] carryx my soul, [B] carryx my soul [A] away,x oh oh oh
-Intro Chords-
When everything is[E] saidx and done
And death has[A] metx its end
I want to hear You c[C#m]allxx me son, be c[B]ountedx as Your f[A]aithfulx friend
I want to see Your e[E]yesx like fire
I want to see the s[B/D#]carsxx that bled
Oh, won't You[C#m] takex me higher, the pl[B]acex where angels f[A]earx to tread
So I will[E] rux [C#m] n!xxx [B] xxx Ooh and [E] Ixx w[E/G#]on'txx q[A]uit.x
Chasing your[E] hex [C#m] art,x [B] xxx just like [E] Dax [E/G#] vidxxx d[A]idx
And I'll come r[E]unningx through the gates
[E/G#]Lookxx into your face, [A] ohx I can hardly wait
Until You[C#m] carryx my soul, [B] carryx my soul [A] awayx
And I will k[A]eepx my lamplight b[E]urningx in the n[B]ightx
And I’ll b[A]exx waiting here fo[E]rxx You, watching fo[B]rxx all You[C#m]rxxxx signs.[B]xxx
If I may[A] bex so bold to [E] askx You, would You [B] lendx Your [B/C] earxx to [C#m] me,xx [E/G#] ohxxxx L[A]ordx
Come[B] quickly,x
-Intro Chords-
I want to hear you s
I want to be w
I want to feel Your l
I want to hear the
I want to hear the t
I want to hear You
So I will
Chasing your
And I'll come r
Until You
Until You
-Intro Chords-
When everything is
And death has
I want to hear You c
I want to see Your e
I want to see the s
Oh, won't You
So I will
Chasing your
And I'll come r
Until You
And I will k
And I’ll b
If I may
-Intro Chords-