Broken Glass chords

Transpose 0
It's fun to [C]run, it's f[C/G]un to pl[C]ay,
It's f[C/G]un to ma[G]ke things out of clay,
It's fun to f[F]ill your car with gas,
[G] [C] [C/B] [C] (Play [A] few more times)
It's fun to break.... things made of glass!

But br[Em]oken glass can cut your hand,
And th[C]en you'll bleed acro[G]ss the land,
Ask an[Em]y woman, child or man,
The da[C]ngers you could pa[D]ss
With broken gl[C]ass... [G]
Broken Gla[C]ss.... [G]

But broken gl[C]ass is [C/G]not a fo[C]od,
[C/G]So don't you liste[G]n to some dude,
Who says put che[F]ese on broken glass,
And make [A] sand-[A] -wich!
[C] [C/B] [C] (play a few more times)
Out of broken glass...

Broken Gla[Em]ss isn't good for your tummy,
Alt[C]hough you may think it's k[G]ind of yummy,
Don't ea[Em]t that glass, don't be a dummy,
[C]Just stay in sch[D]ool
and don't eat bro[C]ken glass,[G]
Don't eat broken gl[C]a-ass, [G]

[C] [C/G] [C] [C]/[G]
Let's sing a song about broken glass,
I[C/G]'ll help you write [G]it after class,
There is no so[F]ng that can surpass
The song we sin[G]g,
[C] [C/G] [C] (play a few more times)
About broken glass...

[HARMONICA SOLO!] *continue C - C/G chords through harmonica solo!*

[C] [C/G] [C] [C]/[G]
Let's sing a song about broken glass,
[C/G]I'll help you write[G] it after class,
There is no so[F]ng that can surpass
[G] (mute)
The song we sing,
*no chord* [C] (let ring)
[Spoken:] About broken glass...
Used chords
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