Blow The Candles Out chords

Transpose 0
When[Gm] I was app[Dm]renticed in [Gm]London, I [A#]went to s[Dm]ee my d[Gm]ear
The c[Gm]andles a[Dm]ll were bur[Gm]ning, the [A#]moon shone br[Dm]ight and cle[Gm]ar
I kn[A#]ocked upon her window to ease her out of her p[D]ain
She r[Gm]ose [Dm]up to l[Gm]et me i[A#]n, then barr[D]ed the door ag[Gm]ain

[Gm]I like well y[Dm]our be[Gm]havior and th[A#]is I [Dm]often s[Gm]ay
I c[Gm]annot [Dm]rest cont[Gm]ented when [A#]I am f[Dm]ar aw[Gm]ay
The ro[A#]ads they are so muddy, we cannot walk ab[D]out
So r[Gm]oll me [Dm]in your a[Gm]rms, [A#]Love, and bl[D]ow the candles [Gm]out

Your f[Gm]ather [Dm]and your m[Gm]other in y[A#]onder r[Dm]oom do l[Gm]ie
A-h[Gm]ugging o[Dm]ne an[Gm]other, so w[A#]hy not [Dm]you and [Gm]I'
A-h[A#]ugging one another, without a fear or d[D]oubt
So r[Gm]oll me [Dm]in your [Gm]arms, L[A#]ove, and bl[D]ow the candles [Gm]out

I pr[Gm]ay thee sp[Dm]eak more s[Gm]oftly of w[A#]hat we h[Dm]ave to [Gm]do
Lest t[Gm]hat our [Dm]noise of ta[Gm]lking should m[A#]ake our pl[Dm]easure r[Gm]ue
The str[A#]eets they are so nigh, Love, the people walk a[D]bout
They m[Gm]ay peep [Dm]in and s[Gm]py, L[A#]ove, so bl[D]ow the candles o[Gm]ut

And [Gm]if we pr[Dm]ove succ[Gm]essful, Love, pl[A#]ease name it a[Dm]fter [Gm]me
Tr[Gm]eat it n[Dm]eat and ki[Gm]ss it sweet and d[A#]aft it [Dm]on your k[Gm]nee
When m[A#]y three years are over, my time it will be o[D]ut
And [Gm]I will [Dm]pay my d[Gm]ebt to y[A#]ou by bl[D]owing the candles [Gm]out.
Used chords