Beige chords
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[G] xxx [Em] xxxx [C] xxx [G] xxx [Em] xxxx [C] xxx
I don't wanna see you[G] smilex
I want you in the[Em] morningx
Before you go[C] performingx
Tell me something I don't[G] knowx and lead me to the [Em] placex where no one ever g[C]oesx
Let me go under your[G] skin,x and let me [Em] findx the demons that drive those heavenly [C] limbsx
You know you're[G] beautifulx
But that ain't[Em] halfx the gold treasure in your [C] soulx
What you got cause I[G] wantx it all
With your fingers in my[Em] mouthx I fail to see your [C] faultsx so please don't [Em] letx me fall, please don't l[C]etx me fall[G]xxx
I think we'd survive in the[G] wildx
We would eat[Em] plantsx and roots and dream about electric [C] fansx
But baby could you kill a[G] man,x could you look in his [Em] eyesx and feel the fire drain out of his [C] handsx
And baby do you think about the[G] past,x do you wonder if [Em] everyx stupid little thing has led us to [C] thisx
You know you're[G] beautifulx
But that ain't[Em] halfx the gold treasure in your [C] soulx
What you got cause I[G] wantx it all
With your fingers in my[Em] mouthx I fail to see your [C] faultsx so please don't [Em] letx me fall, please don't [C] letx me fall[G]xxx
Em C G (fade out repeating chords)
I don't wanna see you
I want you in the
Before you go
Tell me something I don't
Let me go under your
You know you're
But that ain't
What you got cause I
With your fingers in my
I think we'd survive in the
We would eat
But baby could you kill a
And baby do you think about the
You know you're
But that ain't
What you got cause I
With your fingers in my
Em C G (fade out repeating chords)