Annies Back In Town chords

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Artist: Tom Waits
Well the eve[A]ning it stumbles [F#m]home, With it'[E7sus4]s tie undone [Em7]
And the m[A]oon sweeps Al[F#m]abama, As[E7sus4] usual [Em7]
You lie aw[A]ake at n[D6]ight, You re[C#m]member her [F#m]name, An[B7]nies bac[E7sus4]k in [Em7]town

Oh, I k[A]now why your dr[F#m]inking, And I[E7sus4] know your [Em7]alibis
So don't m[A]ake up ex[F#m]cuses, For the [E7sus4]tears in your[Em7] eyes
And your fal[A]ling b[D6]ack, In [C#m]love, A[F#m]gain, Now that, An[B7]nies bac[E7sus4]k in t[Em7]own

[A] [A7]When you [E7sus4]came down to the gra[Em7]pevine, And put your bus[A]iness on the st[A7]reet
I hear you've been ha[F#m]nging out 'till [C#m]dawn, In some lu[E7sus4]nchroom [Em7]
Oh, You tho[A]ught you'd gotten o[D6]ver her, But t[A]hat was 'till you f[Fm7]ound
That[E7sus4] Annies back in t[Em7]own

Oh, The co[A]rner boys are t[F#m]rouble makers, And the [E7sus4]sailors all are f[Em7]ools
You know it seems like so[A]me things around [F#m]here I guess'll never [E7sus4]change [Em7]
Oh, But it's al[A]ways good for bu[D6]siness, Guess we'll be s[C#m]eeing you a[F#m]round
Now that An[B7]nies, B[Bm]ack, [E7sus4] In, T[A]own [D6] [F#m] [B7] [Bm] [E7sus4] [Em7] [A]
Used chords