American Dream chords

Transpose 0
[C]Too many lawyers in football, [F]baseball's got a [C]few
The [C]pitcher, he got a million dollars and the [D]quarterback, he got [G]two
The [C]pitcher threw his arm away and the [F]quarterback burned his [C]knee
And [C]this they did so they could live the A[G]merican [C]dream

[C]Now there are some preachers on TV with a [F]suit and a tie and a v[C]est
They [C]want you to send your money to the Lord but [D]they give you their [G]address
Cause [C]all of your donations are c[F]ompletely tax f[C]ree
God [C]bless you all but most of all [G]send your [C]money


Do you really want it[F] , do you really need it[C]
You gotta keep on [G]grindin'[F] just to try to [C]keep it
You got no time [F]for yourself, you got more for old Jim [C]Beam [F]
You're goin' crazy [C]dreamin'[G] the American [C]Dream

[C]Reagan is a-cuttin' the budget, [F]making the Democrats s[C]cream
Says [C]we gotta control inflation, [D]quit spendin' our money on [G]everything
But [C]this years tax increase, [F]why it's the biggest in [C]history
'Round [C]and around we go, where we stop, who knows, [G]the American [C]dream

Used chords