All Or Nothing chords

Transpose 0
T[F#]hey can play le[C#]t's pretend
M[D#m]ake out like their m[B]y best friend [F#]
T[C#]elling their li[D#m]es [B]
and they can sc[F#]heme behind m[C#]y back
M[D#m]ake fiction ou[B]t of facts
T[F#]ry to re-[C#]write my lif[D#m]e [B]
But t[D#m]hey ai[C#]n't got a clu[F#]e
If [B]I were in their sh[D#m]oes
I'd s[C#]hut right up[G#](up,up)

Ta[F#]ke me as[C#] I am[D#m]
Or n[B]ot at a[F#]ll
I ain't e[C#]ver gonna cha[D#m]nge myself for no [B]one
[F#]No co[C#]mpromis[D#m]e
Cause i[B]ts my li[G#]fe
It's a[C#]ll or nothing

T[F#]hey can laugh al[C#]l they like
[D#m]got no need to ju[B]stify [F#]
I [C#]am who I a[D#m]m
And they can [F#]do their worst i[C#]f they dare
If it ma[D#m]kes them happy we[B] don't care [F#]
It's o[C#]ut of their han[D#m]ds [B]
Cause th[D#m]ey ai[C#]n't got a clue[F#]
If w[B]e were in their sh[D#m]oes
We'd sh[C#]ut right up[G#](up,up)


1st time, change "i/me/my" to "we/us/our"

Used chords