[Am] xxxx x02210
[C] xxx x32010
[Em] xxxx 022000
[F] xxx 133211
[G] xxx 320033
[C]Therex are certain people you just k[F]eepx coming back to
She is r[Am]ightx in fr[Em]ontx of yo[C]uxx
[C]Youx begin to wonder could you f[F]indx a better one
Compared [Am] toxx he[Em]rxxx now sh[C]e'sx in question
And a[Am]llxx at once the cr[F]owdx begins to s[C]ingx
Sometimes the ha[Am]rdestx thing and the r[F]ightx thing are the s[C]amex
[C]Maybex you want her maybe you n[F]eedx her
Maybe you star[C]tedx to compa[F]rex to [C] xxx some[G5]onex not there[F]xxx
[C]Lookingx for the right one you line [F] upx the world to find
Where no q[Am]uestionsx cr[Em]ossx your [C] mindx
But she won't keep on waiting for y[F]oux without a doubt
Much lon[Am]gerx for y[Em]ouxx to sort [C] itx out
And a[Am]llxx at once the cro[F]wdx begins to si[C]ngx
Sometimes the h[Am]ardestx thing and the r[F]ightx thing are the s[C]amex
[C]Maybex you want her maybe you [F] needx her
[C]Maybex you started to comp[F]arex to [C] xxx some[G5]onex not the[F]rex
[C]Maybex you want it maybe you [F] xxx need it,
[C]Maybex it's all you're ru[F]nningx from,
[C]Perfectionx wi[G5]llxx not co[F]mex
[Am]Andx all at once the cr[F]owdx begins to si [C] ngx
[Am] xxxx [F] xxx - [C] xxx
We'd [Am] neverx know what's [F] wrongx without the [C] painx
Somet [Am] imesx the hardest thing and the [F] rightx thing are the s[C]amex
[C]Maybex you want her maybe you ne[F]edx her
[C]Maybex you've started to co[F]mparex t[C]oxx s[G5]omeonex not th[F]erex
[C]Maybex you want it maybe yo[F]uxx need it
[C]Maybex it's all you're running fr[F]omx
[C]Perfectionx wil[G5]lxxx not co [F] mex
[Am] xxxx - [F] xxx - [C] xxx (2x)
Maybe you [Am] wantx her maybe you [F] needx her
[C] xxx [Am] xxxx - [F] xxx
Maybe you had her maybe you lost her to another
To another