59th Street Bridge Song Feelin Groovy chords
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[D] Slow do[A]wn, you[Em] move to[A]o fast. [D]You got to [A]make the mor[Em]ning l[A]ast. Just
[D]kickin' [A]down the [Em]cobble st[A]ones,[D] lookin' for[A] fun in Fe[Em]elin' Gr[A]oovy.
Ba da da [D]da da [A]da d[Em]a Feelin' [A]Groovy
[D]Hello lamp[A]post, [Em]what cha kn[A]owin'. [D]I've come to [A]watch your flo[Em]wers
[A]growing. [D]Ain't cha [A]got no rhym[Em]es for [A]me? [D]Dooitin'[A] doodoo,[Em] Feelin'
Gro[A]ovy. Ba da da [D]da da [A]da da [Em]Feelin' G[A]roovy
[D]Got no deeds to [A]do, no [Em]promises to k[A]eep. I'm d[D]appled and d[A]rowsy and
[Em]ready to s[A]leep. Let the m[D]orning time d[A]rop all its p[Em]etals on m[A]e. L[D]ife,
I [A]love ya. A[A]ll is [D]groovy.[A] [Em] [A]
Ba da da [D]da da [A]da da F[Em]eelin' [A]Groovy.
[D] [A] [Em] [A] [D-] once
[D]kickin' [A]down the [Em]cobble st[A]ones,[D] lookin' for[A] fun in Fe[Em]elin' Gr[A]oovy.
Ba da da [D]da da [A]da d[Em]a Feelin' [A]Groovy
[D]Hello lamp[A]post, [Em]what cha kn[A]owin'. [D]I've come to [A]watch your flo[Em]wers
[A]growing. [D]Ain't cha [A]got no rhym[Em]es for [A]me? [D]Dooitin'[A] doodoo,[Em] Feelin'
Gro[A]ovy. Ba da da [D]da da [A]da da [Em]Feelin' G[A]roovy
[D]Got no deeds to [A]do, no [Em]promises to k[A]eep. I'm d[D]appled and d[A]rowsy and
[Em]ready to s[A]leep. Let the m[D]orning time d[A]rop all its p[Em]etals on m[A]e. L[D]ife,
I [A]love ya. A[A]ll is [D]groovy.[A] [Em] [A]
Ba da da [D]da da [A]da da F[Em]eelin' [A]Groovy.
[D] [A] [Em] [A] [D-] once
Used chords
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