21 chords

Transpose 0
[G] [D] [G] [D]

I missed your 21st birt[G]hday

I've been up at home
Almost tried to ca[D]ll you, don't know if I should
Hate to picture you ha[G]lf-drunk happy
Hate to think you went o[D]ut without me
I'm sorry if you bl[G]ame me if I were you I would
Thought you'd see it co[D]ming, but you never could
I still haven't heard fr[G]om your family
But you said your mom al[D]ways loved me

[G]Sometimes I go blurry-eyed [D]
Small talk and you tell me that you're on fire [G]
Lights on and it's black and white, I couldn't stay forever [D]
I see the lo[G]ok in your eye and I'm biting my tongue
You'd be the lo[D]ve of my love when I was young

When the ni[G]ght is over
Don't call me up I'm alr[D]eady under
I get a little bit al[G]one sometimes and I miss you again
I'll be the lo[D]ve of your life inside your head
When the ni[G]ght is over
Don't call me up I'm alre[D]ady under

Audrey said she s[G]aw you out past twelve o'clock
Just because you're hur[D]ting doesn't mean I'm not
If it doesn't go aw[G]ay by the time I turn thirty
I made [A]a mis[D]take and I'll tell you I'm sorry
"Sorry" [G]

[G]Sometimes I go blurry-eyed [D]
Small talk and you tell me that you're on fire [G]
Lights on and it's black and white, I couldn't stay forev[D]er
I see the lo[G]ok in your eye and I'm biting my tongue
You'd be the lo[D]ve of my love when I was young

When the ni[G]ght is over
Don't call me up I'm alread[D]y under
I get a little bit al[G]one sometimes and I miss you again
I'll be the l[D]ove of your life inside your head
When the ni[G]ght is over
Don't call me up I'm alrea[D]dy under

[G] [D] (x4)
Used chords