Turtles chords & sheets

There are total 57 results.
Well [F]I got years of livin',[C] by and how I choose. I ain't [G]never been a gambler cause I's a[F]lways bound to [C]lose. My b[F]uddy's they drink liquor, some[C]times I go along. [G]I got a girl who [F]don't like that at [C]all! [CHORUS] Well, you [F]know I wouldn't fight, if [C]these guys...
[A]Are you beh[D]ind the shining st[A]ar? [D] [A]Am I as ho[D]peless as you ar[A]e? [D] [A]Well I?m sleepless in my better ni[D]ghts [A]You promised that you wouldn?t fi[D]ght [A]Stay wh[D]ere we a[A]re [D] [A] [D] x2 [A]Busted par[D]aded starve the [A]band [D] [A]You know ...
Well I [Am]told you once I would do it [C]again Why don't you [Em]leave while you still [Am]can [Am]All you're back rooms l[Em]aid this town to [Am]waste You c[Am]ome in darling nice and [C]slow leave you're s[Em]hiny little guns on the fl[Am]oor [Am]Run away with your f[Em]orce fed little...
Capo II [E] [A] [D] [A] [E] [A] [D] [E] [E] [A] [A] [D] [E] [A] ([D] [E]) Everybody says "Be strong" but I just can't take it [A]Every time I look at [D]you, I feel [E]funny in[A]side, yeah [D]I've been meaning to [G]ask you [D]this [G]for such a [D]long ...
Capo 3 [C] [F] [G] x2 [C]Sorry [F]I was [G]following a[C]nother [F]Yeah, I [G]heard it from your [C]brother [F]Before you [G]even called[C] [F] [G] [C]Empty[F] [G]Yeah, this house is [C]empty [F]Like be[G]fore you even [C]met me [F]So I'll for[G]get it all[C] [F] [G] [F]I woke up [G]You...
[INTRO] [E] [VERSE 1] [E]I work all day, little darlin' Work the [A]nighttime, too And all the money I [E]make, is in my [B]pocket It's comin' home to [A]you [E] [VERSE 2] [E]Still you're gone, when I get home You're runnin'[A] downtown again And girl I'm [E]lonesome Like the [B]whistle On ...
[D]Im dyin' Im dyin' Im leavin' th[G]is world Im not even worried if [D]tomorrow's [A]a-comin' [D]You're all in the same boat as me [G]Im afraid You know Im not lyin' its [D]only a rain [A]cloud [D]You love me, my darlin, you love me so [G]kind If I come home tonight, ...
Capo on 2nd fret cord names are relative to capo location [VERSE] [G] It[B#m]s all that I remembe[Em]r a s[G]ober n[D]ight alo[C]ne [G]and it [B#m]took all I h[Em]ad not to [G]call you [D]on the [C]phone know that [D]I was [G]made for [C]you There is [D]nothing [G]I can [C]do ab[Em]out it...
[D] The [D]Eastern world [G]it is ex[A]plodin' [D]Violence flarin' and [G]bullets [A]loadin' You're [D]old enough to kill, but [G]not for [A]votin' You [D]don't believe in war, but [G]what's that gun you're [A]toting? And [D]even the Jordan River has [G]bodies [A]floatin' But you [D]tell me,...
[Am] [G] [Am]Hired g[E]uns surro[Am]und my t[E]own [Am]Hired f[E]eet and b[Am]ones [Am]Tried to b[E]urn us [Am]to the gr[E]ound To b[Am]uild a br[E]and new h[Am]ome [C]All lined [G]up to c[Am]arry [E]me To h[Am]ell just like bef[E]ore [Am]Winter s[E]eems so f[F]ar a[Am]way Like trag[E]edy and...
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