The Prestonwood Choir chords and sheet music

There are total 3 results.
[INTRO] [Bm] [D] [Bm] [D] [Bm] [D] [Bm] [D] [VERSE 1] Well I've [Bm]heard about a place Not[G] made by any [D]man [A] Gates of [Bm]pearl, streets of gold Wh[G]ere the rescued love ro [D]dance [A] And I've [Bm]heard about the angels S[G]inging to the [D]lamb [A] We are [Bm]bound for We ...
[VERSE 1] [D]Only one spoke [G/D]countless stars a[D]blaze Only o[D]ne could b[G/A]reathe life i[A7]nto d[D]ay Only o[D]ne can q[G/D]uiet raging s[D]eas Only o[D]ne has p[G/A]ower [A7]to red[D]eem [CHORUS] All the p[D]raise g[G/D]oes to J[D]esus All the p[G]raise to [G/A]Him al[D]one [D]All the...
[INTRO] [E] [C#m] [A] [B] [E] [C#m] [A] [B] [VERSE 1] How f[E]irm [A]a found[E]ation, ye sai[E]nts of the Lo[B]rd, Is l[E]aid f[A]or your f[E]aith in His [E]exce[B]llent w[E]ord! Wh[E]at m[C#m]ore can He [A]say than to y[E]ou He hath s[B]aid, To y[E]ou w[A]ho for r[E]efuge to [E]Jes[B]us...
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